In his welcome address, Prof. Himanshu Rai shared his thoughts on how the COVID pandemic has provided us an opportunity to build our vision, introspect, and discover. He noted that similar to every organization with an established vision, we, humans, should also have a vision for ourselves. ‘Having a vision helps us identify our purpose of existence. As teachers and research scholars, we need to find our purpose and then work hard towards achieving it. Thus, while you attend this conference, utilize this opportunity to build your network and decide where you are headed’, he explained. He mentioned that being a teacher makes a person a leader. ‘Whether you like it or not, your students will definitely follow your actions. Set an example for them by choosing the right thing and making the right decisions at the right time. Take a pause in this busy life, introspect, and then choose your action’, he said. He advised the participants not to measure their self-worth based on the designation. ‘Your identity is who you are and what you are passionate about. Do not dwell on your superficial identity of holding a designation or a position – for once you lose it, your identity would be lost’, he concluded.
Mr. Amit Paliwal shared his delight over collaborating with IIM Indore. He noted that the past two years had been the most challenging times for the world, especially in India. Millions of people have lost their lives, and the economic sectors have faced disruptions like never before. The industries that usually were not affected by the environment, like education and healthcare, also saw a massive shift in their working methods. ‘This fruitful association with IIM Indore has provided us with an opportunity to provide a platform for the academicians, industrialists, and researchers to come together and share their ideas to figure out how India can emerge even stronger in the post-pandemic era’, he said.