Prof. Shubhamoy Dey is a faculty in the area of Information Systems at IIM Indore since 2002. He has obtained his Ph.D in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases from the School of computing, University of Leeds, U.K. He also holds B.E. and M.Tech degrees from Jadavpur University and IIT Kharagpur respectively.
Prof. Dey`s research interests are Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases, Spatial databases, Data warehousing, Database systems, Empirical modeling and Computational finance. He has published papers in national and international forums on Data Mining, Spatial Data Mining, Text Mining and Computational Finance. His teaching interests are Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Database Systems, Enterprise Systems, Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Text & Blog Mining.
Prof. Dey carries with him rich industry experience from Hindustan cables, Wipro Information Technology, CMC Ltd., BRI (Europe), British American Consulting Group and Bank of Scotland. He has worked over 11 years in the Information Technology industry in UK and USA, and 4 years in India. Since 1997, He has been running his own consultancy company in UK and has been providing his services as an Independent IT Consultant to major commercial organisations in UK. His consultancy clients include: Paradeep Port Trust, Berger Paints, Indian Oil Corporation, Government of Bihar, Government of Madhya Pradesh, State Bank of India, Eastern Coalfields and Department of Electronics in India; London Underground, The British Library, Fujitsu-ICL (UK), Manufacturing Science & Finance, Barretts Group Plc., Kingston Communications Group Plc., Cerillion Technologies and Barclays Bank Plc. in UK; American Stores Corporation and ALH Group Inc. in USA.
He represented India in the international E-Governance Study Mission to South Korea and Japan organized by the Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo in 2005.
Peer Reviewed Research Articles
Trivedi, S.K. & Dey, S. (2016). A Novel Committee Selection Mechanism for Combining Classifiers to Detect Unsolicited Emails. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. 46(4). 524 – 548.
Kapil, K. & Dey, S. (2016). Impact of Event Reputation on the Sponsor’s Sentiment. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems Conference (ACM RACS 2016). Odense, Denmark, October 11-14, 2016.
Chakraborti, S. & Dey, S. (2016). Multi-level K-means text clustering technique for topic identification for competitor intelligence. Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2016). Grenoble, France. June 1-3, 2016.
Awasthi, V., Dey, S., Venkatagiri, S., Jain, K.K. & Mishra, R. (2015). Knowledge Networks and Knowledge Adjacencies. Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM India Conference (ACM Compute 2015). Ghaziabad, India. October 29-31, 2015.
Sharma, A. & Dey, S. (2015). Mining Marketing Intelligence from Online Reviews using Sentiment Analysis. International Journal of Intercultural Information Management. 5(1/2). 57 – 82.
Awasthi, V., Dey, S., Jain, K.K. & Mishra, R. (2015). The Evolution of Knowledge in Communities of Practice. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2015). Prague, Czech Republic. October 9-12, 2015.
Vakeel, K.A. & Dey, S. (2015). Improving Tweet Clustering using Bigrams formed from Word Associations. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2015). Prague, Czech Republic. October 9-12, 2015.
Awasthi, V. & Dey, S. (2015). Loss in Tacit Knowledge due to Employee Attrition. International Journal of Intercultural Information Management. 5(1/2). 1 – 18.
Chakraborti, S. & Dey, S. (2015). Product News Summarization for Competitor Intelligence using Topic Identification and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2015). Prague, Czech Republic. October 9-12, 2015.
Sharma, R. & Dey, S. (2014). Motivation for green ICT initiatives in government organisations: a study in Indian context. International Journal of Intercultural Information Management. 4(2/3). 142 – 157.
Chakraborti, S. & Dey, S. (2014). Multi-Document Text Summarization for Competitor Intelligence: A Methodology. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI-II 2014). New Delhi, India. December 7-8, 2014.
Trivedi, S. K. & Dey, S. (2014). A Study of Ensemble Based Evolutionary Classifiers for Detecting Unsolicited Emails. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2014). Towson, USA. October 5-8, 2014.
Khadija, V. & Dey, S. (2014). Impact of News Articles on Stock Prices: An Analysis using Machine Learning. Proceedings of the 6th IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange Conference (I-CARE 2014). Bangalore, India. October 9-11, 2014.
Kapil, K. & Dey, S. (2014). Framework for Identifying M-Government Applications for Agriculture Sector. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Computer Sciences, Software Solutions, E-Learning, Information & Communication Technology (ACSEICT 2014). New Delhi, India. September 6-7, 2014.
Banerjee, T.K., Roy, S. & Dey, S. (2014). Location of Pit in Underground Coal Mining- A Geometrical Approach. International Journal of Management Studies and Research. 2(5), 99-108.
Banerjee, T.K., Roy, S. & Dey, S. (2014). A GIS Solution for an Integrated Underground Coal Mine Management: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Management Policies and Practices. 2(2), 129-143.
Trivedi, S. K. & Dey, S. (2014). Interaction between feature subset selection techniques and machine learning classifiers for detecting unsolicited emails. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 14(1), 53-61.
Sharma, A. & Dey, S. (2013). Boosted SVM based Ensemble Classifier for Sentiment Analysis of Online Reviews. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 13(4), 43-52.
Trivedi, S. K. & Dey, S. (2013). An Enhanced Genetic Programmeming Approach for Detecting Unsolicited Emails. Proceedings of 2013 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (IEEE CSE 2013), Sydney, Australia. December 3-5, 2013.
Trivedi, S. K. & Dey, S. (2013). Effect of Feature Selection Methods on Machine Learning Classifiers for Detecting Email Spams. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2013). Montreal, Canada. October 1-4, 2013.
Sharma, A. & Dey, S. (2013). A Boosted SVM based Sentiment Analysis Approach for Online Opinionated Text. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2013). Montreal, Canada. October 1-4, 2013.
Sharma, A. & Dey, S. (2013). Using Self-Organizing Maps for Sentiment Analysis. Proceedings of the OR Society Knowledge and Information Management Conference (KIM 2013). Meriden, UK. June 4-5, 2013
Trivedi, S. K. & Dey, S. (2013). Interplay between Probabilistic Classifiers and Boosting Algorithms for Detecting Complex Unsolicited Emails. Journal of Advances in Computer Network, 1(2):132-136.
Trivedi, S. K. & Dey, S. (2013). Effect of Various Kernels and Feature Selection Methods on SVM Performance for Detecting Email Spams. International Journal of Computer Applications, 66(21):18-23..
Sharma, A. & Dey, S. (2012). A Document-level Sentiment Analysis Approach using Artificial Neural Network and Sentiment Lexicons. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 12(4), 67-75.
Sharma, A. & Dey, S. (2012). An Artificial Neural Network Based Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Opinionated Text. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Applied Computation Symposium (ACM RACS 2012). San Antonio, Texas, USA. October 23-26, 2012.
Sharma, A. & Dey, S. (2012). A Comparative Study of Feature Selection and Machine Learning Techniques for Sentiment Analysis. Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Applied Computation Symposium (ACM RACS 2012). San Antonio, Texas, USA. October 23-26, 2012.
Sharma, A. & Dey, S. (2012). Performance Investigation of Feature Selection Methods and Sentiment Lexicons for Sentiment Analysis. IJCA Special Issue on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for HPC Applications (3), 15-20.
Dey, S. & Rao, G. K. (2012). An intelligent decision making architecture for banks: Business Intelligence and knowledge management systems integration. Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, vol. 4, No. 1, 49-63
Dey, S. (2011). Improving Credit Scoring Accuracy by Population Segmentation. Indore Management Journal, Vol. 2 No. 1, 17-29.
Rao, G. K., & Dey, S. (2011). Text Mining based Decision Support System (TMbDSS) for E-Governance: A Roadmap for India.Advances in Computing and Information Technology: Springer Communications in Computers and Information Science Series (David C. Wyld et. al. Eds.), Vol. 198, 270-281.
Rao, G. K., & Dey, S. (2011). Decision Support for E-Governance: A Text Mining Approach.International Journal of Managing Information Technology, Vol. 3 No. 3, 73-91.
Kapoor, V., Dey, S., & Khurana, A. P. (2011). An Empirical Study of the Role of Control Parameters of Genetic Algorithms in Function Optimization Problems, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 31 No.6, 20-26
Kumar, R., Dey, S., & Rao, G. K. (2011). Investigation of Mobile Knowledge Management: Developing and Integrating Enterprise App Store with existing Knowledge Management System. IJCA Proceedings on Third Annual Global Business, IT and Management for Economic Development Conference (BITMED 2011).22-24, September, 2011, Bangalore, India.
Sharma, A., & Dey, S. (2011). Agile or Plan Driven: Software Development Methodology Selection using Personality Traits of Developers. eProceedings of 2011 International Research Conference and Colloquium (IRCC 2011). 10-11, October, 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Dey, S. (2011). A Multi-classifier System for Text Categorization.Proceedings of the ACM-SIGAPP Research in Applied Computation Symposium (ACM RACS 2011). 2-5, November, 2011, Miami, USA.
Kapoor, V., Dey, S., & Khurana, A. P. (2011).Genetic Algorithm: An Application to Technical Trading System Design. International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 36 No.5, 44-50
Dey, S. (2010). Modeling the Combined Effects of Credit Limit Management and Pricing Actions on Profitability of Credit Card Operations.International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 5 No. 4, 168-177.
Rao, G. K., &Dey, S. (2010). Evolution of Text Mining Techniques and Related Applications in E-governance and E-democracy.In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, Jodhpur, India
Dey, S. (2010). Enhancing Text Cluster Visualization in Emergent Self Organizing Maps by Incorporating Bigram Vectors.Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, Beijing, China.
Kapoor, V., Dey, S., & Khurana, A. P. (2010).Empirical Analysis and Random Respectful Recombination of Crossover and Mutation in Genetic Algorithms.International Journal of Computer Applications: Special Issue on Evolutionary Computation (1), 25-30.
Research Monograph
Dey, S. (2011). Combining Spatial and Non-spatial Data for Knowledge Discovery. Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Saarbrucken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-845-41883-4
Edited Volume
Trivedi, S.K., Dey, S., Kumar, A. & Panda, T.K. (2017). Handbook of Research on Advanced Data Mining Techniques and Applications for Business Intelligence. Information Science Reference, ISBN 978-1522520313.