Lavanya — the Largest Fashion Show at Central India embodied with grace and panache will dazzle you. With riveting music and dancing lights it is ones chance to fame and glory.
Lasya— the Dance Show is a platform to unleash that energy and make the world
dance with you.
Distortion— the Rock show will keep you at the edge of your seats with scintillating concerts from India’s best musicians to electrifying performances by Semi Pro and College Bands across
the country.
Bazinga— the party zone of the festival! For you to unwind and have a great time by playing games and taking part in everything fun.
Pratibimb- It is going to be a dramatics event in the management cum cultural fest of IIM, Indore i.e. Iris. The main objective of the competition is to look for a pool of artists that are versatile
in every aspect of dramatics.
Jagriti— Jagriti is the social sensitivity nucleus of Iris. The college students along with the urban school students extend the celebrations to the rural students. With its initiatives such as ‘A fistful of rice and a heartful of love’,
it helps in bringing more meaning to a festival dedicated to creation and preservation of culture.