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Journal of Contemporary Business Research

Journal of Contemporary Business Research



  1. Aim and Scope:

Journal of Contemporary Business Research (JCBR) is proposed as the flagship biannual research and opinion journal by the Indian Institute of Management Indore. The journal is a double-blind peer reviewed and is proposed to provide research-driven insights from the best of academic researchers. Further, the journal will also contain experience and evidence-based opinions from leading practitioners. The primary positioning of the journal is to provide deep insights to both researchers and practitioners on contemporary business issues.

The primary readership of the journal is expected to be current practitioners at any level in their respective organizations. The secondary readership of the journal is expected to be academics who desire to remain abreast with the latest insights about the various facets of business to help them shape their own research. The tertiary readership of the journal is expected to be policymakers who can gain from the research-derived or opinion-derived content to help them shape the business-related policies for faster growth of the economy.

  1. Description

The journal is a new research venture by the Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM Indore). IIM Indore is a top ranked management school in India and only the second one to have triple accreditation in form of AMBA, AACSB, and EQUIS. The journal, in partnership with Sage Publishing, succeeds the erstwhile journal named Indore Management Journal, which was independently managed by the institute. The journal is going to be published twice in a year with issues planned in December and June of every year. The journal is published as a platinum open access journal (i.e., the authors do not have to pay any APC) and all the articles published here will be permanently available under a Creative Commons License.

The readers of JCBR are expected to get a unique perspective on contemporary management topics driven through incisive research evidence of national and international academic researchers, with depth beyond the insights provided by commercial business outlets. Additionally, the journal will feature deep analyses of current business challenges by leading practitioners, as well as academics who are an authority in a domain. The journal will also, from time to time, conduct interviews with important members of the industry, academics, and policy makers. The journal’s articles will span across various management domains like communications, marketing, strategy, information systems, finance, human resources, operations research, economics, and public policy.

  1. Peer Review Process:

The Journal of Contemporary Business Research adheres to a rigorous double-anonymized reviewing policy in which the identity of both the reviewer and author are always concealed from both parties. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees.

Once the paper is submitted, it is quickly evaluated by the Editorial Office for its adherence to the journal’s submission guidelines. Once the same is established, the paper is forwarded to the Editors. All manuscripts are reviewed initially by the Editors and only those papers that meet the editorial standards of the journal, and fit within the aims and scope of the journal, will be sent to an Associate Editor to handle the paper through its review process. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees. The AE should also submit his/her assessment report along with the reviewers’. All manuscripts are to be reviewed as rapidly as possible, and an editorial decision should generally be reached within 4-6 weeks of submission. Each referee would be given an initial review period of 2 weeks and then automatic reminders would be sent.

  1. Author Guidelines

Before authors submit their manuscript, they should go back and review the title, keywords and abstract. These elements are key to ensuring that readers will be able to find the article online through online search engines. Manuscript files can be in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, or RTF. Microsoft Word documents should not be locked or protected. LaTeX manuscripts must be submitted as PDFs.

The papers should be submitted in Times New Roman 12” font size with the text being double spaced.  Manuscripts should not be more than 30 pages long with the peak wordcount being 8000 words including everything. All tables and figures should be placed within the text (at the correct place where it is supposed to be). The tables should be in editable format (and not images). Each table and figure should have a caption.

Please do not format the paper in multiple columns. Include page numbers and line numbers in the manuscript file. Use continuous line numbers (do not restart the numbering on each page). Footnotes are not permitted. If your manuscript contains footnotes, move the information into the main text or the reference list, depending on the content. Manuscripts must be submitted in English. Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text. Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text. Keep abbreviations to a minimum. The journal follows the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing. The typical sections of the paper should include Abstract (not more than 200 words), Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Implications, Conclusion, and References. The paper should end with Acknowledgement and Supporting Documents (if applicable).

  1. Article types:
    • Research article
    • Research briefs
    • Interviews
    • Practitioners article
    • Case study
  1. Editorial Structure

Editor-in-Chief: Prof Himanshu Rai (Director, IIM Indore)

Executive Editors: Prof Abhishek Mishra & Prof Pritam Ranjan (Professors, IIM Indore);


Associate Editors:

  • Prof Sayantan Banerjee (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Dhiman Bhadra (IIM Ahmedabad)
  • Prof Saurabh Chandra (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Amit Vatsa (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Suresh Jakhar (IIM Lucknow)
  • Prof Gaurav Singh Chauhan (IIM Indore)
  • Prof A V Vedpuriswar (Director, L&D, Cognizant and IBS Hyderabad)
  • Prof Leonardo Caporarello (SDA Bocconi School of Management)
  • Prof Rajhans Mishra (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Biswanath Swain (IIM Indore)
  • Dr Alok Pande (Jt. Secy., Ministry of Finance)
  • Prof Sudipta Mandal (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Sushanta Kr. Mishra (IIM Bangalore)
  • Prof Jatin Pandey (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Ganesh Kumar (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Belgin Okay-Somerville (University of Glasgow)
  • Prof V. Venkata Rao (IIM Ahmedabad, Retired)
  • Prof Shruti Tiwari (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Karthikeya Naraparaju (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Ajit Phadnis (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Radha Mukesh Ladkani (IIM Indore)
  • Prof Shubhabrata Basu (IIM Indore)

Advisory Board:

  • Prof Rajan Varadarajan, Mays Business School
  • Prof Vithala Rao, Cornell University
  • Prof Ajay Kohli, Scheller School of Business
  • Prof Manoj Agarwal, Binghamton University
  • Prof Sundar Bharadwaj, Terry College of Business
  • Prof Pradeep Chintagunta, Chicago Booth
  • Prof Venky Shankar, Mays Business School
  • Prof Arvind Rangaswamy, Smeal College of Business

Editorial Manager: Mr. Vijay Kumar, Editorial Office, IIM Indore
