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LC Rules

Learning Centre: Rules and Regulations

The IIMI Learning Centre (IIMI LC), with its wide range of collection of knowledge resources and innovative information services, fills an essential requisite in the intellectual pursuits of students, faculty members and the surrounding community. IIMI LC, a hybrid Centre with state-of-the-art technological applications, holds knowledge resources predominantly related to management and allied subjects. The entire LC collection of books, print journals/magazines along with its wide range of e-collection including e-journals, e-books, online databases, CD-ROM collection etc., are accessible through the Institute’s network at LC is committed to offer a wide range of information services set to the highest professional standards with the following broad objectives in mind:

  • To build a state-of-the-art knowledge resources centre for management and allied subjects;
  • To build appropriate knowledge resources to meet the information needs of the academic community of the Institute; and,
  • To provide proactive and innovative reference services to the user community of the Institute.

All the students/scholars and outsiders entering the LC shall deposit their bags and other belongings at the entrance and sign in the Register at the checkpoint. Only notebooks, laptops and the LC books to be returned will be allowed inside the premises.

Do not leave any valuables at the Check Point. Library is not responsible for any loss of personal belongings. All files, books, notebooks and material issued to the users must be presented to the Security Officer at the checkpoint for inspection while leaving the LC. LC does not permit any exception in the observance of this rule.

Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the LC.

Day Time
Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Holi 4 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Sunday 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Diwali 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Holidays: 26 January, 15 August and 2 October
  • At all times, library users will respect prevailing IPR/copyright rules for any library material issued to or downloaded by them. At any given point, only up to 20% document can be photocopied. Photocopying of any document cover to cover is prohibited. Users must not install, download, copy, or distribute copyrighted materials without the written permission of the Librarian.
  • LC resources such as books, journals, and electronic materials, etc. are costly and are often rare. They are for the benefit of not only the present but also for the future members of the LC. Therefore, Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage LC resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource. Books borrowed should be protected from Rain, Dust, Insects, etc.
  • Before leaving the issue counter, member should satisfy themselves as to whether the LC material lent to them is in sound condition. If not, they should immediately bring the matter to the knowledge of the LC staff at the issue counter; otherwise, they are liable to be held responsible for replacing the material or paying such compensation as fixed by the Librarian.
  • Books removed from the shelves by students, if not required for reference, should be kept on the table nearest to them. Please do not try to shelve them yourself.
  • The newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the designated place.
  • Beverages and Eatables are not allowed inside the LC.
  • All users are requested to keep their mobiles in switched off or silent mode in the LC. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  • As the LC is a place of self-study and research, members should maintain an atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence within the LC premises.
  • Users are advised not to borrow Books for others in their names.
  • No visitor or guest is permitted to use the LC without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  • Book search stations are meant for searching the resources subscribed/purchased by LC. Accessing personal emails, Facebook, Chatting etc. are not allowed.
  • No photograph of the LC shall be taken without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  • All the LC users are advised to enter the LC premises in a decent dress.
  • Members should keep the LC informed of any change of address during the period of their membership.
  • Suggestions regarding purchase of books/other materials, subscriptions, improving of LC services, complaints etc., may be sent at

The Librarian has the power to cancel the membership and refuse admission to anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the LC or indulges in any other type of misconduct.

Every LC user (student, staff, faculty, any other user) shall visit the LC to borrow the library material. Users (Faculty/Staff/Students/any other LC member) shall not be allowed to borrow books on behalf of other members.The various categories of members and their privileges are as follows:

SL. No. Member Category No. of Books Duration
1 Faculty Members 35 90 days
2 FPM & EFPM / Administrative Staff / Academic Associates
/ Teaching Assistants / Research Associates
10 30 days
3 PGP / PGP HRM / PGP Mumbai / EPGP / IPM / GMPE /
CCBMDO / FDP Participants
06 15 days

Reference titles will not be issued to any user. However, the Librarian may consider issuing of select titles to Faculty members.

The faculty/staff spouse is allowed to borrow books from the LC. However, the faculty/staff will be responsible for all such transactions and is required to give an undertaking for the same.

Books may be renewed up to 2 times provided there is no reservation against such titles.

For issue of books/other reading material, the borrowers should present the same along with their Identity card (in case of students) to the staff at the circulation counter. Members should put his/her signature on the book card provided in the book pocket. After necessary checking, LC staff will issue the book by stamping the due date on the due date label and return the book to the borrower.

The ‘Issue Transaction Slip’ should be handed over to the attendant at the checkpoint/exit before taking the issued books out of the LC premises.

Books should be brought physically for return and renewals. A renewal over telephonic/verbal requests/written communication is not entertained.

Borrower is fully responsible for the books/any other material borrowed in his/her account. Hence, members are advised not sub-lend the materials borrowed from the LC.

In exceptional cases, a document may be recalled before the due date if required urgently in the LC. Failure to respond promptly to such requests may lead to suspension of LC privileges.

If the borrower fails to return the book(s) within a reasonable time of its due date as indicated in the recall notice/due date slip (pasted on the last page of the book), the borrower is liable to pay the cost of the book and other applicable charges.

For issue of new arrivals, priority will be given to member who recommended that book.

Members proceeding on long leave or leaving the station for any other purpose exceeding three months should return the documents that are borrowed by him/her before leaving the Institute.

Current issues of the periodicals/journals are not issued to the members.Electronic resources (CDs, Videos AV materials) and back volumes of journals are issued only to Faculty for a period of two weeks.

Books (that are issued to other members) can be reserved through LC homepage On receipt of the reserved books, the member will be communicated about its availability in the LC. The member should collect such titles within 24 hours of the above communication from the LC Circulation Desk. The reservation lapses automatically after 24 hours, and the next person on the list of reservations gets priority.

As the LC has robust ILL facility in place, member may approach the LC staff for availing the ILL services.

Members who wish to use the libraries of other IIMs, IITs, Universities etc. may approach the Librarian to facilitate the same.

Members may get photocopies of select chapters/portion of non-issuable resources on payment of prescribed charges.

Fine on overdue items will be charged at the rate of Rs.2/- per day per item across members categories (student/staff/faculty etc.);

If the book/any other material is reported (in writing) as lost/misplaced by the students/ faculty/staff or any other member, the overdue charges are not levied in such case from the date of report until the same is replaced. However, such transactions must be settled within two months from the date of reporting of the loss.

If a book or any of the above material is lost or mutilated beyond usable condition, the following rules will apply:

  • The book or any of the above material has to be replaced with the latest edition of that material along with an additional charge of Rs. 100/- towards RFID tag and administrative cost;
  • Pay the cost of the latest edition of the book or any other reading material along with an additional charge of Rs. 100/- towards RFID tag and administrative cost;
  • If the book/any other material is out of print or found to be of rare value, then three times the cost of the book has to be paid by the member along with an additional charge of Rs. 100/- towards RFID tag and administrative cost;
  • If the book/any other material is reported (in writing) as lost/misplaced, the overdue charges are not levied in such case from the date of report until the same is replaced (it must be resolved within two months). However, if the member fails to resolve the issues within the prescribed time frame, applicable rules relating to the penalty/ overdue charges will apply.
  • If a book/any other material belonging to a set is lost, the borrower will replace the entire set at their own cost along with an additional charge of Rs. 100/- per volume towards RFID tag and administrative cost;

All those employees who leave the Institute must obtain a Clearance Certificate from the Librarian.