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Our Activities


The WCS offers the IIM Indore community expert, individualized guidance with our WCS consultant. The WCS has continued to foster a space of interaction for students and researchers from the IPM, PGP, and FPM programs since its inception. In little more than a year, these interactions occurred over 350 individualized sessions, which amounts to approximately 350 hours. The discussions were primarily on, but not limited to the following topics:


  • Public speaking and presentation.
  • Group discussion.
  • Research papers, reports, assignments and term-papers.
  • Personal statement, statement of purpose and résumé writing.
  • Creative writing projects and book reading.


  • Academic discourse.
  • Thesis structure and thesis statement.
  • Editing academic drafts and following style-sheets.
  • Plagiarism and academic integrity.

Apart from students, the academic associates and the institute staff have also benefited from the WCS consultations.


The WCS has successfully organized workshops for IPM students on ‘Professional Writing’ and ‘Résumé Writing’. The workshops were specifically designed to help the students with their impending internship and social-placement interviews. Further, the WCS conducted a survey amongst IPM, PGP and FPM students to understand their communication requirements better. Based on the survey outcomes, the WCS aims to offer pertinent and efficacious workshops to the students and researchers at IIM Indore. Currently, the WCS is curating a workshop on ‘Thesis Statement’ for the FPM scholars.

Administrative and Community Support

The WCS added value to some of the important projects that the institute champions, by devising innovative ideas and resolutions by liaisoning with the administrative community of IIM Indore. Further, the WCS also works with the teaching community at IIM Indore to further their research writing goals on a variety of issues; from spirituality in management pedagogy to financial assistance to the disadvantaged, from case studies on dental implants to volatility spillovers in global stock markets. Help was primarily sought on the use of academic language and structure of the research papers. The response, feedback and encouragement that we received from the IIM Indore community has been humbling and heartening.