Would you like to lead your organization from being good to great? But do the culture, practices, and processes of the organization constantly challenge you? This program will provide you with an opportunity to learn practices that will enable you to lead for excellence, unlock resources from within, and create an action plan to apply what you learn. In the process, you’ll gain new insights to influence the people around you more positively and bring meaningful changes in the organizational culture.
Mid- and senior-level leaders seeking to develop a high-performing workplace marked by highly engaged, happy, and thriving employees. Participants explore the program content with a combination of action-learning experiences, reflections, interactive lectures, team exercises, and case examples.
Indian Institute of Management Indore
Prabandh Shikhar, Rau-Pithampur Road
Indore 453556, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA
Email : mdp@iimidr.ac.in
Tel. : +91-731-2439750, 2439752, 2439753, 24397544
Fax : +91-731-2439800