The field of strategic management deals with, the major intended and emergent initiatives, taken by the general managers on behalf of owners, that involve utilization of some resources to enhance the performance of firms in their external environment. Performance, within the conversation of strategic management, deals with superior returns on investments. Superior returns are measured with respect to the firm’s (i) past performance, (ii) competitors and (iii) benchmark indices. The issue of superior returns is addressed by raising two critical managerial questions namely,
The above questions shall be reviewed by invoking the various concepts from the functional disciplines of management and integrating them into a coherent whole. A systemic approach, involving internal and external environmental analysis, identifying opportunities, formulating strategies and executing them, is adopted.
This course also introduces Business Strategy and Competitive Strategy. Specifically, this course deals with corporate strategy, influencers and outcomes of corporate strategy, leadership and corporate governance.
Executives working in strategic roles in the organization
Indian Institute of Management Indore
Prabandh Shikhar, Rau-Pithampur Road
Indore 453556, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA
Email :
Tel. : +91-731-2439750, 2439752, 2439753, 24397544
Fax : +91-731-2439800