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IIM Indore Celebrates International Yoga Day 2022

With an objective to strengthen the body, mind, and soul, the IIM Indore community came together on June 21, 2022, to celebrate International Yoga Day. Prof. Himanshu Rai, Director, IIM Indore, inaugurated the event.

Prof. Rai shared the significance of Ashtang Yoga with the community members. ‘The 5 Niyamas (rules) of Yoga are Shauch (physical & spiritual cleanliness), Santosh (contentment), Tapa (hard work), Swadhyaya (self-learning), and Ishvara Pranidhan (connecting with the cosmic consciousness)’, he explained. He also threw light upon the 5 Niyamas, namely, Ahinsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Aparigraha (non-possessiveness), and Brahmacharya (energy conservation). He noted that we need to identify our relationship with the universe; only then will we be able to contribute to the betterment of this world. ‘You understand your relationship with your parents, siblings, colleagues, etc. Similarly, the day you understand your association with air, water, land, environment as a whole, you would be able to identify your life purpose’, he said.

The yoga session was conducted by Mr. Kunal Agrawal and Ms. Anjali Jethani, Yoga Trainers from Indore. They guided the IIM Indore community members to perform various asanas and helped them understand the significance of yoga in their lives.