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IIM Indore Conducts its 24th Annual Convocation

IIM Indore Conducts its 24th Annual Convocation

The 24th Convocation of the Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM Indore) was a momentous occasion marked by academic achievement, personal growth, and joy.  Held on April 01, 2023, the ceremony saw a total of 739 participants receiving their degrees. Shri Arun Kumar Singh, Chairman of ONGC, was the Chief Guest who delivered the Convocation Address. Shri M M Murugappan, Chairman of the Board of Governors for IIM Indore, and Prof. Himanshu Rai, Director, IIM Indore, were also present.

The event was a testament to the Institute’s unwavering commitment to maintaining rigorous academic standards and to the dedication and hard work of its faculty, staff, and students. The presence of the distinguished guests, parents and families of the participants and the happiness on their faces added to the grandeur of the occasion.

Shri Murugappan, in his welcome address, congratulated the batch of 2023. He acknowledged the hard work of the students, their families, and the faculty, and commended IIM Indore’s reputation as a top institution for management education. He emphasized the importance of lifelong learning and the role of education in all-around development, both in and beyond the classroom. He also applauded the role of the Director and the faculty in creating outstanding graduates and building the institution of IIM Indore to its current eminent position. He expressed his commitment to enhancing the institution’s infrastructure, outreach, and embrace of technology. He said, “Learning is meaningful when it is lifelong and knowledge gained in and beyond the classroom is vital to all-round development. To the graduating class of 2023, our congratulations on your achievements and very best wishes in your future endeavors.” He urged the graduating class to use their education and leadership to make India and the world a better place with a commitment to the environment.

Professor Rai delivered an inspiring message to the graduating participants, urging them to hold on to their self-belief and positive thinking. He emphasized the importance of unyielding faith in one’s own abilities, and urged the graduates to approach every challenge with a mind ready to absorb every positive aspect. He advised the participants to contribute to their nation, beloved India, with a zeal akin to the Avengers fighting for the greater good. He also urged them to be compassionate, spreading kindness and positivity wherever they go. Additionally, Professor Rai advised the participants to build their friendships stronger and to dedicate their degrees to their parents. He also shared some latest initiatives of IIM Indore, including the establishment of the Centre of Excellence that will focus on WASH – water, hygiene, and sanitation, and the re-accreditation of the institute by EQUIS, thereby maintaining its coveted Triple Crown. He also shared various academic achievements and the collaborations of the institute in the last academic year. His message was met with enthusiastic applause, and the graduating participants left the ceremony feeling inspired and motivated to embrace positivity, contribute to a better tomorrow, and make the most of their degrees.

In his Convocation Address, Mr. Arun Kumar Singh emphasized the importance of consistent hard work, sincerity, and adaptability in achieving success. He shared his own experiences from his professional and personal life to highlight how these qualities can help one tackle difficult situations and overcome obstacles. He also stressed the need for graduates to be net givers to their organizations and society, rather than net takers. ?The convergence of the four Ds- demographic shift, digitalisation, decarbonisation, and partial deglobalisation- is creating endless opportunities. Our education system is producing individuals with infinite potential to solve mankind’s greatest challenges. Decarbonisation is saving us billions while opening up new opportunities in exporting abundant sunshine. Partial deglobalisation presents infinite opportunities for those willing to take risks. To shape the future, we need to remain focused and committed to innovation. With these forces at play, the sky’s the Mr. Singh highlighted the role of IIM Indore in producing some of the finest management graduates in the country, who have excelled in their respective fields. He mentioned ONGC’s long-standing partnership with IIM Indore for imparting management training to their officers identified for leadership roles in the organization. He also spoke about how ONGC recruits graduate trainees from IIM Indore, through campus placements and direct recruitment exercises.

As part of his advice to the graduating students, Mr. Singh said, “Institutes are like cricket coaches, who may impart you the best of skills, but on the ground, it is the combination of various facets of your overall personality like your skill set, attitude, mental strength, zeal for innovations, experience, and intellect which would help you tackle difficult situations.” He also encouraged the students to dedicate themselves to being net givers to their organizations and society, and to find satisfaction in doing so. Mr. Singh’s speech was inspiring and motivating, and provided valuable insights and advice to the graduating students.

A total of 739 participants from seven flagship programmes received degrees on this occasion. The Gold Medalists also received their awards.

Here’s a summary of the 24th Annual Convocation graduates:


S.No. Programme Male Female Total
1. PGP  296 163 459
2. PGPHRM  25  20  45
3. IPM  70 26  96
4. EPGP 48  9  57
5. PGPMX  38 04  42
6. FPM  03 04 07
7. EFPM  03 00 03
8. IPM – BA Degree  24  6  30
Total 739