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IIM Indore Listed Among the Positive Impact Rating 2023 by United Nations PRME

  • IIM Indore listed among Level 4 Transforming Schools
  • Institute shines for creating a positive impact on culture, governance, and systems, with visible results in many impact dimensions.

IIM Indore has solidified its position as a business school that generates a significant positive impact on culture, governance, and systems at a global scale. The prestigious Positive Impact Rating 2023 by the UN PRME Global Forum has acknowledged and listed the institute in the esteemed Level 4 category. On June 14, 2023, Prof. Thomas Dyllick of the Positive Impact Rating Association and Lauriane Dietrichs, Vice-President of Oikos International, jointly made the announcement. Notably, in the fourth edition of the rating, IIM Indore secured a sport in the Level 4 category. This recognition highlights the institute’s outstanding commitment to making a positive societal impact.

A picture from our Spiritual Garden, representing our initiative of geo-tagging the plants on our campus, allowing us to digitally track and monitor their growth and well-being. This, along with our many green initiatives, are a testament to our dedication to environmental sustainability.