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Executive Doctoral Programme in Management (EDPM)-2025

Important Announcement regarding RAT for EDPM 2025 Batch

Date of Announcement of shortlist: 31 March 2025

“The Research Aptitude Test (RAT) for EDPM 2025 batch of IIM Indore will be conducted on Saturday, 19 April 2025 at 10:00 am (IST) at IIM Indore Campus.”

Important Announcement:

The last date for submission of online applications for EDPM 2025 has been extended to Friday, 14th March 2025.


For its Executive Doctoral Programme in Management (EDPM), IIM Indore seeks high-quality candidates with strong academic background, preferably with professional experience, and intellectual curiosity needed for scholarship in management. The last date for submission of online application is end-February.

Areas of Study (Specialization)

The institute presently offers EDPM in the following areas of specialization

  • Communication
  • Economics
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Information Systems (Information Systems Management, Emerging technologies, and Data Science / Analytics)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Marketing Management
  • Operations Management and Quantitative Techniques (Operations Management, Operations Research, Statistics and Mathematics)
  • Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
  • Strategic Management (Strategic Management, International Business and Entrepreneurship)

Out of the aforementioned areas, an applicant can choose any two areas of specialization only and submit his/her application along with all attachments as required and mentioned in the online Application Form. Candidates are encouraged to check the individual faculty research profiles in their areas of specialization to understand the research interests of the faculty.

Eligibility (Work Experience and Academic)

Candidates must have a Minimum 5 years of managerial/ entrepreneurial/ professional experience after graduation as on the application deadline date (refer to Admission Brochure) and also fulfil the requirement of the academic eligibility as mentioned below:

Master’s degree in any discipline with at least 60 percent aggregate marks or equivalent grade point average.


Postgraduate Diploma (2 years) with at least 60 percent aggregate marks or equivalent grade point average.


Professional qualifications CA, ICWA, CS with at least 50 percent aggregate marks.


A five-year integrated Master’s degree program in any discipline, with at least 60 percent aggregate marks or equivalent grade point average.


First Class/ equivalent Bachelor’s degree (4 year/8 semesters).


In addition to the above academic eligibility criteria, the candidate should have a minimum of 60 percent marks either in Secondary (Class X) or Senior Secondary (Class XII) with second class marks in other.

The candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree, awarded by any of the universities incorporated by an act of the central or the state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

The equivalence of the foreign degree needs to be certified by the Association of Indian Universities. The bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification obtained by the candidate must entail a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent.

The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in the bachelor’s degree would be based on the practice followed by the institution/university from where the candidate has obtained the degree. In case of the candidates being awarded grades/CGPA instead of marks, the equivalence would be based on the equivalence certified by the institution/university from where they have obtained a bachelor’s degree.

In case the institution/university does not have any scheme for converting the CGPA into equivalent marks, the equivalence would be established by dividing obtained CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result by 100.

The percentage of marks obtained in Class X and Class XII would be the aggregate marks of all subjects that appear in the mark sheet of grade sheet, irrespective of whether the Board considers them for calculation of percentage.

Acceptable Standard Test Scores

Candidates require a standard test score, from any one of the acceptable tests for the area(s) of specialization they are applying to, as shown in the following table.

Area of Specialization Acceptable Standard Test Score(s)
Communication CAT/GRE/JRF / RAT*
Economics CAT/ GRE/GMAT/JRF in Economics/ RAT*
Financial and Accounting CAT/ GMAT/GRE/JRF/ RAT*
Humanities and Social Sciences CAT/ GMAT/ GATE/ GRE/ JRF/ RAT*
Information and Systems CAT/ GMAT / GATE / GRE/ RAT*
Marketing Management CAT/GATE/GRE/GMAT/ RAT*
Operations Management and Quantitative Techniques CAT/ GMAT / GATE / GRE / JRF/ RAT*
Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management CAT/ GMAT/GRE/ JRF/ RAT*
Strategic Management CAT/ GRE/GMAT/ JRF/ RAT*

The validity of the CAT and the other standard test scores are given in the following table. Note that the scores should be valid on the deadline for submission of the application form.

CAT – 3 years
GRE – 3 years
GMAT – 3 years
GATE – 3 years
JRF – 3 years

Online GMAT/GRE (Take home) exam scores are not valid. Only test centre-based GMAT/GRE scores are valid.

Research Aptitude Test (RAT)*- In the event of not having a standard test score, candidate may apply based on the Research Aptitude Test (RAT) of IIM Indore which will be conducted in last week of March.

Research Aptitude Test (RAT) will test candidates on quantitative ability, verbal ability and research aptitude.

Application Procedure

Candidates seeking admission to the Executive Doctoral Programme in Management (EDPM) of IIM Indore should submit their application online between end December and end January, and pay the online non?refundable/non-transferable application fee of Rs. 3000/- (Rupees Three thousand only) + GST extra. If applying for two areas pay online non-refundable/non-transferable fee of Rs. 4500/- (Rupees Four Thousand Five Hundred only) + GST Extra.

Selection Process for EDPM

The candidates will be shortlisted (on the recommendation of the respective areas) on the based information provided in the application form. The selection process is as follows:

Stage 1: The candidates satisfying the academic eligibility criteria as mentioned above should submit their application online.

Stage 2: Based on the applications received, candidates satisfying Academic eligibility criteria and acceptable standard test the shortlisting will be done by the respective Areas and candidates will be called for Personal Interview (PI), to be conducted at IIM Indore during March/ April.

Note: Candidates who are applying based on the Research Aptitude Test (RAT) of IIM Indore which will be conducted on April 19, 2025 and will be required to be present in the IIM Indore campus on the test day by 8:30 am, shortlisting of the candidates will be published on the same day. Candidates shortlisted after the RAT will be appearing for the Interview either on the same day or next day.

Stage 3: IIMIndore also expects a consistent and minimum performance in the different parameters of Personal Interview (PI), which will be decided by the Admissions Committee. Candidates not meeting the minimum performance in any of PI parameters will not be considered for the next stage of the selection process i.e. Stage-4.

Stage 4: Final selection will be based on the requirements of the academic area to which the candidate has applied and an area-wise offer list will be prepared by the Areas only.

Only the candidates satisfying the requirements mentioned in earlier stages will be considered for the final selection. Academic Area-wise merit list will be generated based on the performance in the Personal Interviews and the provisional admission offers will be made.

All matters pertaining to admission into the EDPM at IIM Indore is governed by the decisions taken by the Admissions Committee.


A candidate can submit the Online application with all the attachments by the application deadline date (as required on or before application deadline date up to 23:55:00 hour (Refer to Admission Brochure)

Please note that the mailing address and email id provided by the candidate shall be considered for all correspondence by the Institute.

All fields marked with * are mandatory.

While filling the online application form, a scanned copy of the documents must be uploaded wherever it has been asked for.

The applicant must provide the correct and valid email id and mobile number

Giving false information will affect your candidature negatively, if you are admitted to the programme on the basis of false information furnished by you, it will lead to your expulsion from the institute.

Please note that mere fulfilling of the minimum qualifications will not make a candidate eligible for admissions into EDPM

Your complete application should include

  • Personal details
  • Educational qualification
  • Standard test score details
  • Employment history & References
  • Academic Achievements
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Payment of application fee (as applicable)


For new Applicants

For Applicants who are already registered

Admission Brochure 2025

Programme Detail(s)

Total Fee for the Programme

The total fee for the course is Rs. 15,00,000/-(Rs. Fifteen Lakhs only), as applicable at the time of admission payable in the following manner:

Acceptance fee Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rs. One Lakh only) non-refundable payable before commencement of the programme in the academic year into which he/she is selected for admission.

The balance Rs. 14,00,000/- (Rs. Fourteen Lakhs only) must be deposited in four installments as mentioned below:

a) 1st installment –  Rs. 5,00,000/-
b) 2nd installment – Rs. 3,00,000/-
c) 3rd installment – Rs. 3,00,000/-
d) 4th installment – Rs. 3,00,000/-

Each installment has to be made between 3 weeks and before the start of the module of the programme.

Programme Duration

The programme duration is four years. Candidates should ensure that they complete the requirements of the programme within this stipulated time.  In case candidate is not able to complete the programme in four years, they can be given two extensions of 6 months each depending upon their progress.

Continuation Fee

The students who go beyond the above stipulated time may be allowed to continue in the programme depending upon their progress and with payment of continuation fee but not beyond 06 years as under:

After completion of 04 years into the programme, the EDPM participant may be allowed by EDPM Executive Committee to continue in the programme after reviewing his/her thesis progress report and recommendation of TAC on six monthly extension basis for a period of one year subject to payment of a continuation fee of Rs. 25,000/- every 06 months.

After completion of 05 years into the programme, the EDPM participant shall be required to make an appeal to Director for further grant of extension by submitting his/her thesis progress report and plan of action duly approved by TAC. In the event of grant of extension by Director, such participant may be allowed to continue in the programme on a six monthly extension basis for a period of maximum of one year subject to payment of a continuation fee of Rs. 50,000/- every 06 months.

Beyond 06 years there will be no consideration of any further extension and the participant shall be required to withdraw from the programme compulsorily.

Curriculum and Course Work

Sr no Module Timeline Duration Contents
On Campus Off Campus 
1 Module-I Jul – Oct 6-8 days 11 weekends 1 Core Courses (All Area) : 2 Credits x 9 Areas

(Each area will offer one course of 2 credits)

 Total – 18 credits

2 Module-II Nov – Dec 6-8 days 4 weekends 1 Core Courses : Philosophy of Research – 2 credits

2 Area Compulsory Course – 4 credits

Total – 6 credits

3 Module-III Feb – Apr 6-8 days 8 weekends 1 Core Course – 6 credits

1.1 Academic Writing : 2 credits

1.2 Research Exposure : 4 credits

1.2.1 Literature Review : 2 credits

1.2.2 Case Writing : 2 credits

2 Area Compulsory Research Methods – 6 credits

3 Area Electives -4 credits

Total – 16 credits

4 Module-IV Jun – Sep 6-8 days 8 weekends 1  Core Course – Pedagogy in Management –

4 credits

2  Area Electives – 4 credits

3 Area/Other area Electives – 4 credits

Total – 12 credits

Total      52 Credits


Type of Courses Module-I (Credits) Module-II (Credits) Module-IIII (Credits) Module-IV(Credits) Total Credits
Core Courses 18 2 6 4 30
Area Compulsory Course 4 4
Area Compulsory Research Methods 6 6
Area Electives 4 4 8
Non Area Elective 4 4
Total Credits 18 6 6 12 52

After Module-IV the candidate will be required to appear for the area qualifying examination and Area Chairperson will coordinate with the candidate of their respective area for the examination.

The candidate has to successfully clear the exam before entering into thesis stage.

The candidate who do not qualify the exam shall be given a second and last attempt to complete the requirement.

In the event of failure to pass the Area Qualifying exam in the second and last attempt, the matter will be placed before the EDPM Executive Committee and on the recommendation of the EDPM EC the candidate will have to exit from the programme.

The candidates will be required to obtain an overall CGPA of 3.000 or above for passing the course work in (Module I, II, III and IV)

The candidate will start preparing a proposal under the guidance of his/her TAC.

The candidate will be required to present his/her proposal to the TAC in Module IV and on approval of the same by TAC.

The candidate is expected to present a proposal seminar and successfully defend it within a period of six months from the date of completion of Module-IV. However, based on the progress report duly approved by the TAC, a six-monthly extension can be given to the candidate, failing which, the candidate will be required to either repeat the course work or exit from the programme.

Requirements after completion of the thesis proposal defense

After satisfactory completion of the thesis proposal defense, the student starts writing the thesis up to the satisfaction of his / her TAC.

On completion of thesis research, the candidates give a public seminar, submit the thesis and defend the same.

The thesis should be a scholarly contribution to the knowledge pertinent to the understanding and resolution of management problems. The participants should demonstrate professional competence in developing a model or a set of hypotheses, collect and interpreting data, reaching conclusions, and drawing the implications for research and managerial practices and maintain high level of academic honesty.

The  candidate will be required to submit his / her progress reports every six months after three years.


Other Requirements

(I) Presentation of papers in national/international conferences (At least two conferences)

(II) For the award of a PhD, the candidate needs to fulfil requirements as specified by the institute related to publishing of papers in peer-reviewed journals:

  • One publication in at least in B category in ABDC classification or equivalent.


  • Revise and Re-submit in A or above in ABDC classification or equivalent.

A publication is considered eligible for award of a PhD, if it also appears in any one of the following three databases:

  • CABEL database of Journals,
  • Web of Science, and
  • Scopus (along with the ranking databases, i.e. FT-50, ABDC, ABS, AMS, and SJR).

*The Equivalence Table on Journals publications is given below:

A* A* 4* and 4 A*
A A 3 A
B B 2 B

Contact Us

For any enquiries related to Executive Doctoral Programme in Management (EDPM) Admissions, you may please feel free to contact as per details given below:

The Admission Office

Indian Institute of Management, Indore

Prabandh Shikhar, Rau-Pithampur Road,

Indore – 453556 (M.P.), India

Phone: 0731- 2439685-687   Email:

For any program-related queries you may please contact the personnel as per the details given below

The DPM Office

Indian Institute of Management, Indore
Prabandh Shikhar, Rau-Pithampur Road,
Indore – 453556 (M.P.), India

0731- 2439675