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Recruitment Notification No. 09/2022 – Advertisement for Walk-in for Library Apprentice Trainees

Advertisement for Walk-in for Library Apprentice Trainees

Advertisement for Walk-in for Library Apprentice Trainees

Walk-in on March 10, 2023, at IIM Indore Campus

About IIM Indore

Established in 1996, with the objectives of imparting high-quality management education and training by the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India; IIM Indore is recognized as one of the premier management institutions, comparable to the best in the world for teaching, research and interaction with industries and is an Institute of national importance under the Indian Institutes of Management Act 2017.

Spread over 193 acres, IIM Indore stands with pride, with the Triple Crown of three accreditations which is now the second IIM in the nation to receive triple accreditations. IIM Indore has been a leader in the field of management education, interfacing with the industry, government, and PSU.

With a mission to be a contextually relevant business school with world-class academic standards that develops socially-conscious managers, leaders and entrepreneurs, IIM Indore is one of the fastest-growing institutions in India today. The Institute has bagged a position in Top 100 in FT Rankings 2019 and stands at 7th Rank in the NIRF Rankings 2022.


The Indian Institute of Management Indore, Learning Centre is looking for the young, dynamic, tech-savvy, highly motivated and committed Fresh Graduate in Library & Information Science from recognized Indian universities with a consistently good academic record to join as Library Apprentice Trainees purely on a temporary basis for one year.

Essential Qualifications:

Fresh Graduates in Library & Information Science with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade (if no class awarded from recognized Indian universities) and having a consistently good academic record.

Candidates who have appeared for their final year examination (BLIB) and are expecting results soon may also apply. In case a candidate is selected, and he/she fails to submit the final marks sheet in support of fulfilment of his/her essential qualification criterion at the time of joining, his/her selection would automatically stand cancelled and such candidate will not be allowed to join the traineeship.

Desirable Criteria:

  • Basic working knowledge of IT and IT applications related to libraries.
  • Basic knowledge of searches of the Databases
  • Aware about the Technical Processing
  • Knowledge of MARC II and DDC
  • Essential working knowledge of retrieval of bibliographic information of books/ebooks    from different sources

 Number of Trainees to be admitted: FOUR

 Nature of Traineeship:

Learn while you work on different functions & services of the IIM Indore Learning Centre.


The duration of traineeship will be for one year from the date of joining the Institute.


Consolidated stipend of ?15,000/-per month without campus accommodation/?12,000/-per month with campus accommodation.

Selection Process: Walk-in on March 10, 2023, at IIM Indore Campus

An objective-type written test followed by Interview on March 10, 2023, at IIM Indore Campus

(a)  Objective Type written test:

  1. Date of the written test – Friday 10 March 2023
  2. Duration of the written test – One hour
  3. Reporting for the written test – 9:00 AM
  4. Starting time of the written test – 9:30 AM
  5. End time of the written test – 10:30 AM
  6. Venue of the written test – IIM Indore, Indore campus
  7. Result will be declared immediately after the written test.

(b)  Interview:

Those candidates who will successfully qualify the written test will be interviewed by a panel on the same day (March 10, 2023). The candidates who will be shortlisted for the interview would be required to produce their original documents (all educational qualifications certificates, date of birth, photo ID) with one set of photocopies and a hard copy of the Prescribed Format for verification. Candidates who fail to produce the above documents will not be interviewed. The candidates are required to download the Prescribed Format and fill up the details and bring the same at the time of the selection process.

(C) Date & Venue of the selection process:

March 10, 2023, at IIM Indore Campus, Indore


General Instructions and Terms & Conditions:

  1.  All candidates are required to bring a hard copy of the duly filled Prescribed Format with their documents. Failing which they will not be considered for further process.
  2.  All candidates are required to bring their AADHAR CARD or PAN CARD in original.
  3.  Please note that the candidates reporting after 9:15 AM on 10 March 2023 will not be allowed to enter the campus.
  4. The result of the written test will be declared immediately after the written test.
  5. Only those candidates who qualify the written test will be interviewed, the candidates who do not qualify the written test have to leave the campus immediately after the written test results are declared.
  6.  Mere fulfilling of the required qualifications will not confer any right to the candidates for being called for selection process.
  7.  The selection process will only be conducted on March 10, 2023. For any change in the date of the selection process (written test and Walk-in) the information will only be displayed on the career section of the Institute’s website. Candidates are advised to visit the Career section of the Institute’s website regularly for all the updates/ information in this regard.
  8. The duration of traineeship will be for one year from the date of joining the Institute.
  9. The Institute reserves the right not to select anyone without assigning any reason.
  10. The Institute reserves the right to change/apply appropriate shortlisting criteria in case of large number of applications.
  11. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  12. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the written test and/or interview. Selection of candidates will be based on their academic record, performance in the written test and personal interview.
  13. Finally selected candidates will have to come to the Institute daily (six days in a week). They may be called in different shifts, on weekends and Institute holidays on a rotation basis during the one-year period of apprenticeship. Compensatory off would be provided for working on Institute holidays.
  14. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard during or after the process.
  15. Candidates are expected to be fluent in Hindi and English communication skills both written and spoken.
  16. Candidates not carrying their all of original educational qualification documents will not be considered for selection process.
  17. The Institute reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of positions/ vacancies.
  18. The Institute requires the finally selected candidates to join immediately.