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Advertisement for the post of Research Associate (RA)

Applications are invited from motivated and eligible candidates for a Research Associate (RA) position for an undergoing project undertaken by IIM Indore for a national body serving as a nodal agency for maritime affairs.

Brief Description of the Project

The project aims to analyze the impact of transportation asset age reduction on the overall industry. The study involves extensive qualitative and quantitative data collection from various personnel across various locations in India followed by data analysis and report writing. 

Eligibility for Research Associate (RA)

Graduate/Postgraduate in Management /related discipline with minimum 60% marks with prior experience in survey data collection and data analysis. Background in maritime sector will be an added advantage. The RA will be expected to guide project interns in the data collection activities The RA will have to stay in Indore for the period of engagement and travel extensively.

Project Duration: 3 months (tentative)

Stipend of Rs. : 25,000 – 30,000 depending on the quality of education/experience.

Please contact the undersigned with the latest resume:

Prof. Saurabh Chandra:

Prof. Subin Sudhir: