Accession No | Title | Author |
EB1 |
John Hicks |
EB2 |
Luftman, Jerry N. |
EB3 |
Digital era governance: IT corporations, the state, and e-government |
Dunleavy, Patrick [et al.]. |
EB4 |
Expertise and innovation: information technology strategies in the financial services sector |
Finman, Robin [et al] |
EB5 |
Information technology strategies: how leading firms use IT to gain an advantage |
Rapp, William V. |
EB6 |
Gregory C. Chow. |
EB7 |
Kathryn C. Lavelle |
EB8 |
George Thomas Kurian |
EB9 |
Rania Abdelfattah Salem |
EB10 |
Eric Brousseau |
EB11 |
Bikas K. Chakrabarti |
EB12 |
Sociophysics: A Physicist’s Modeling of Psycho-Political Phenomena |
Serge Galam |
EB13 |
Bain, Joe S. |
EB14 |
Advertising and Marketing Law-Cases and Materials_Second Edition |
Tushnet, Rebecca & Goldman, Eric |
EB15 |
The Economics of Immigration |
Berg, Hendrick Van den |
EB16 |
General Equilibrium Model for Tax Policy Evaluation |
Ballard, Charles L. [et al.]. |
EB17 |
Managing Expatriates: Return on Investment Approach |
McNulty, Yvonne &Inkson, Kerr |
EB18 |
CSR Budget of Big 500 Companies for FY 2015-16 |
EB19 |
Vajda, S. |
EB20 |
Dutt, Romesh Chunder. |
EB21 |
Langhelle, Oluf |
EB22 |
Johnson, Harry G. |
EB23 |
Meade, J. E. |
EB24 |
A Dictionary of International Trade Organizations and Agreements |
Holden, Patrick |
EB25 |
International Trade, Consumer Interests and Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy |
Pierani, Pierpaolo. |
EB26 |
McMillan, John |
EB27 |
Game Theory and Policymaking in Natural Resources and the Environment |
Sa?nchez-Soriano, Joaqui?n.-Albiac, Jose?.-Dinar, Ariel |
EB28 |
Narlikar, Amrita. |
EB29 |
Reeve, Rosalind. |
EB30 |
Kemp, Murray C. |
EB31 |
Kemp, Murray C.-Wan, Henry Y. |
EB32 |
Dutt, Romesh Chunder |
EB33 |
Game Theory and Its Applications in the Social and Biological Sciences |
Colman, Andrew M. |
EB34 |
Major, Claire Howell.-Savin-Baden, Maggi. |
EB35 |
Charlesworth, Alan |
EB36 |
Ely, Margot. |
EB37 |
Hebinck, Paul. [et al.]. |
EB38 |
Remenyi, D.-Sherwood-Smith, Michael.-White, Terry |
EB39 |
Analytical Decision-making Methods for Evaluating Sustainable Transport in European Corridors |
Lami, Isabella M. |
EB40 |
Webster, Thomas J. |
EB41 |
Solnon, Christine. |
EB42 |
Paschos, Vangelis Th. |
EB43 |
Roller, Margaret R.-Lavrakas, Paul J. |
EB44 |
Kasabov, Nikola K.-Mladenov, Valeri-Koprinkova-Hristova, Petia |
EB45 |
Balancing Human Rights, Environmental Protection and International Trade |
Reid, Emily. |
EB46 |
Savoie, Michael J. |
EB47 |
Fensel, Dieter.-Abramowicz, Witold. |
EB48 |
Dine, Janet. |
EB49 |
Computational Intelligent Data Analysis for Sustainable Development |
Yu, Ting |
EB50 |
Zenios, Stavros Andrea.-Sharda, Ramesh.-Balci, Osman. |
EB51 |
Paschos, Vangelis Th. |
EB52 |
Addo, Kofi |
EB53 |
Tracy, Brian |
EB54 |
Das, Gouranga Gopal |
EB55 |
EB56 |
Economic Behavior, Game Theory, and Technology in Emerging Markets |
Basilgan, Muslum-Christiansen, Bryan |
EB57 |
Bergeijk, Peter A. G. van |
EB58 |
Kreinin, Mordechai Elihau-Plummer, Michael G. |
EB59 |
Engineering and Technological Solutions for Sustainable Development |
Li, Hu-Gou, Xiang |
EB60 |
Enterprise Content Management in Information Systems Research |
Simons, Alexander-Brocke, Jan vom |
EB61 |
Kollmann, Tobias-Freiling, Jo?rg |
EB62 |
Everything You Need to Know About Distribution and Logistics Management |
Browne, Tamu. |
EB63 |
Josling, Tim |
EB64 |
Colman, Andrew M. |
EB65 |
Van Rooij, Robert-Ja?ger, Gerhard-Benz, Anton |
EB66 |
McCain, Roger A. |
EB67 |
Sauve?, Pierre-Pohl, Nicole-Panizzon, Marion. |
EB68 |
Government, International Trade, and Laissez-faire Capitalism |
Holroyd, Carin. |
EB69 |
Miandoabchi, Elnaz-Farahani, Reza Zanjirani |
EB70 |
Choi, Tsan-Ming. |
EB71 |
Zamir, Shmuel-Young, Peyton |
EB72 |
Herrmann, Jeffrey W. |
EB73 |
Deschoolmeester, D.-Landeghem, Hendrik van-Devos, Jan |
EB74 |
Gilbert, Evelyn P. |
EB75 |
Koo, Won W.-Kennedy, P. Lynn. |
EB76 |
Berdell, John |
EB77 |
World Health Organization. |
EB78 |
Emami Namini, Julian. |
EB79 |
McGillivray, Fiona |
EB80 |
Cattaneo, Olivier. |
EB81 |
Barca, Giuseppe La. |
EB82 |
Baillat, Aline. |
EB83 |
Marion, Marcel Frederik van. |
EB84 |
Brenton, Paul |
EB85 |
Ghiani, Gianpaolo.-Musmanno, Roberto.-Laporte, Gilbert. |
EB86 |
Atkinson, Paul-Coffey, Amanda-Delamont, Sara |
EB87 |
Lee, Yong-Shik-Law and Development Institute. |
EB88 |
White, Roger |
EB89 |
Cabanda, Emilyn-Emrouznejad, Ali. |
EB90 |
Pe?rez Lo?pez, Ce?sar |
EB91 |
O’Brien, William Patrick. |
EB92 |
White, Roger |
EB93 |
Cortez, Paulo |
EB94 |
New Trends in Networking, Computing, E-learning, Systems Sciences, and Engineering |
Sobh, Tarek M.-Elleithy, Khaled |
EB95 |
Production Systems and Supply Chain Management in Emerging Countries |
Velasco, Nubia.-Meji?a, Gonzalo. |
EB96 |
Choudhury, Barnali |
EB97 |
Quantitative Analysis of Newly Evolving Patterns of International Trade |
Stern, Robert M. |
EB98 |
Inama, Stefano. |
EB99 |
Huo, Jiazhen.-Hong, Zhisheng. |
EB100 |
Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications |
Obaidat, Mohammad S. |
EB101 |
Persuit, Jeanne M. |
EB102 |
Gattiker, Urs. |
EB103 |
Sylla, Ndongo Samba-Leye, David Cle?ment |
EB104 |
Brakman, Steven.-Bergeijk, Peter A. G. van |
EB105 |
The Oxford Handbook of the Political Economy of International Trade |
Martin, Lisa L. |
EB106 |
Christopher, Darlene-Hyder, Karen |
EB107 |
Soupios, Michael A.-Mourdoukoutas, Panos. |
EB108 |
Cordoba, Alberto |
EB109 |
Leonard, Robert |
EB110 |
Finance with Monte Carlo |
Shonkwiler, Ronal W. |
EB111 |
The Soviet Industrialization Debate, 1924-1928 |
Erlich, Alexander |
EB112 |
Hilber, N. and Reichmann, O.and Schwab, C.and Winter, C. |
EB113 |
Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance: Arbitrage and Option Pricing |
Roman, Steven |
EB114 |
Cvitanic, Jakša and Zhang, Jianfeng |
EB115 |
Spatial Econometrics: From Cross-Sectional Data to Spatial Panels |
Elhorst, J Paul |
EB116 |
Arbia, Giuseppe |
EB117 |
Bivand, Roger S.and Pebesma, Edzer and Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio |
EB118 |
Market, Regulations and Finance: Global Meltdown and the Indian Economy |
Khasnabis, Ratan and Chakraborty, Indrani (Eds.) |
EB119 |
Rocco, Tonette S.& Hatcher, Tim (eds) |
EB120 |
Organizational Routines: How They Are Created, Maintained, and Changed |
Howard-Grenville, Jennifer [et al.] |
EB121 |
Hernes, Tor |
EB122 |
Joshi, Vijay and Little, I. M. D |
EB123 |
The Virtues of Leadership: Contemporary Challenges for Global Managers | |
EB124 |
The Oxford Handbook of American Indian History |