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Startups & Small Business Facilitation

Startups & Small Business Facilitation

Many small businesses, including startups, face challenges in growth due to several factors such as, global economic slowdown, demand supply gap and the unpredictable nature of business environment. Many of them are in need of expert advice for handling the challenges. The Industry Interface Office connects experienced people and industry experts to small businesses, to discuss the challenges and arrive at practical solutions.

Some of the problems of these companies are similar in nature whereas many others are unique to each company and its segment. Solutions to the problems of similar nature require less time and effort. However, unique and complex problems of organizations call for identification of the actual problem, detailed analysis, ways and means of solving the problem, set of solutions, and identification of the best and most feasible solution, and finally implementation of the solution.

By connecting experienced professors and industry experts to the small businesses, IIM Indore aims to help these companies flourish.

If you are keen to avail these facilities, please send an email to, with a brief description of the challenge being encountered so that we can identify appropriate specialist to help you.

If you are a specialist yourself, and willing to help needy organizations on an honorary basis, mail your areas of interest and bandwidth available to