Executive Alumni
IIM Indore
Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM Indore) is an autonomous public business school located in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. IIM Indore is one of the premier management institutions, equivalent to the best in the world for teaching, research, and collaboration with industries. It is an institute of national importance under the Indian Institutes of Management Act 2017.
IIM Indore has received the prestigious international accreditations – first from the Association of MBA’s, AMBA in 2016 (a UK-based accreditation agency), second from the AACSB in 2019, and third from the EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), the globally recognized international organization for management development, in December 2019. IIM Indore is the second IIM in India to receive these accreditations and attain a ‘Triple Crown’.
IIM Indore has achieved commendable rankings by various national and international ranking agencies for its consistent efforts to improve the academic standard and achieve academic excellence in all its programmes. Presently, IIM Indore is ranked 7th in the National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF), 79th in the FT-100 rankings (4th in India, 3rd amongst IIMs), and 25th rank (Asia) in QS World Rankings for our global MBA (151+ in the world, 5th in India.
IIM Indore presently offers seven flagship programmes and multiple tailored Management Development Programmes and Executive Programmes. All these contextually relevant programmes are designed to help contribute to nation-building by providing a platform for the participants to grow professionally.
Executive Education
IIM Indore has been offering carefully curated Executive Education (EE) programmes that cater to working executives’ needs. IIM Indore is renowned for its focus on academic excellence, which is reflected in our Executive Education programmes that are contextually relevant and meet the demands of contemporary businesses. We help executives gain new perspectives in an increasingly complex business environment. Our courses deliberate relevant real-world business challenges, and we keep evolving them with international trends. We impart learning which provides immediate value and impact on the organizations. Executive Education programmes at IIM Indore consist of a wide array of robustly designed offerings that meet your specific needs. The programmes are conducted at our campuses in Indore and Mumbai, or online, through technology-enabled platforms, and at specified client locations.
IIM Indore believes in providing exemplary management education to all spheres of management practice. IIM Indore caters to the three diverse management practice requirements in this endeavor. The academic programmes (degree granting) offered by IIM Indore cater to the industry’s needs for new management executives. These programmes facilitate upskilling and continuous learning of executives with specific training requirements. In line with our mission to provide (i) Excellence in management education, research, and training, (ii) Use of contemporary participant-centric pedagogies and teaching methods, and (iii) A presence in emerging segments of management education; EE programmes are designed to be contemporary to the needs of the industry, and they provide immense opportunities for practitioners to improve their management proficiency, follow the latest trend of content delivery using hybrid/online/and asynchronous platforms, and focus on some of the essential areas of management education. At IIM Indore, we try to develop EE programmes that are the need of the hour. In many of our programmes, we try to ensure that participants are provided with the latest management education by integrating our faculty’s research expertise to design the courses. Thus, EE programmes have become one of the major focus areas of IIM Indore.
Executive Alumni Network
After completing each programme’s requirements, the participants become eligible for the Executive Alumni membership. The Executive Alumni network is a body that comprises only the EE programme participants. This network enables lifelong association between the graduated participants and IIM Indore. It also provides an excellent opportunity for participants to receive information regarding newsletters, and new programmes offered by executive education at the institute, and network with other alumni who have completed similar programmes. The Institute also, from time to time, conducts alumni meets for networking among the members of the executive alumni network.
IIM Indore desires that all our Executive Alumni stay connected and cherish the distinct bonds with their peers and faculty members built during their intervention. This network will provide numerous events to indulge with their Alma Mater. We hope this network will inspire and amplify the rousing vistas for the current participants.
The participants who will successfully complete the executive education programme that offers alumni status will be eligible for the Executive Education Alumni status of IIM Indore. They will be required to apply separately along with the necessary fee to register their name through the page: https://www.iimidr.ac.in/alumni/ and click Executive Education Alumni Enrolment Guidelines and Form. Current alumni membership plans are as follows:
- Two-year membership – Rs. 1,000/- + applicable taxes, Total Rs. 1,180/- as per the present rate of GST @ 18%
- Lifetime membership – Rs. 10,000/- + applicable taxes, Total Rs. 11,800/- as per the present rate of GST @ 18%
Benefits available to Executive Education Alumni:
- Communication of brochures and newsletters from IIM Indore
- Access to the IIM Indore Campus Library (onsite access only).
- Official email ID of the institute. The email id and its usage will be governed by the IT Policy of the Institute.
- ID Card.
Click here to fill out the form: Form
Bank Account Details for submitting application fees:
A/c Name : Indian Institute of Management, Indore
Bank : HDFC Bank Ltd.
Branch Address : Sai Vihar Colony Rau, Indore
A/c No : 99914500000076
IFSC Code : HDFC0002140
IIM Indore reserves the right to modify the above conditions at its discretion at any time without notice.
Timeline for Email ID and Executive Alumni ID Card Processing:
The applicant will generally receive the email address within 45 days of programme completion. The Executive Alumni ID Card will be dispatched within 75 days of programme completion. Subject to the applicant successfully completing the registration process and paying the required fees and there are no postal delays. If you do not receive the email address and ID card within the stipulated time frame, please contact alumnioffice@iimidr.ac.in.
Please note that mere successful completion of the programme, application submission, and fee does not entitle a participant to be eligible for executive education alumni status. IIM Indore reserves the right to confer executive education alumni status.