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Programme Overview


The Institute receives several requests from Corporate, agencies and individuals to verify the education particulars of Alumni of PGP/IPM/PGP Mumbai/PGP Dubai/PGP HRM/FPM & EFPM/EPGP/PGPMX Mumbai and Dubai/Executive Education programme (GMPE/BBBEP/CCBMDO/FDP Programmes) etc. All applications received for verification, overseas verification/WES will be processed by the Alumni and Verification Office.

  • Applications for any services such as additional transcripts, duplicate transcripts/degree/diploma/certificate, WES application etc. will be accepted only if sent using an official alumni email ID.
  • The Institute reserves the right to change the procedures and fees mentioned herewith without prior notice. The GST is applied as per the prevailing rates.
  • Visit for more information and updates.

Email Guidelines

  • If you don’t know/remember your Alumni Email ID/password, you can seek assistance by filling out the Google Form (Google Form Link).  We can only process requests that are submitted through this form. Kindly cooperate.
  • In case of a request for duplicate transcripts/degree/diploma/certificate, in addition to the email from the alumni email id, you must send the hard copy of the documents to the Alumni and Academic Verification Office.
  • Please note the following:
    • Any alumni email account exceeding the storage limit of 5 GB will not be able to send and receive email communications.
    • The age of the password is 90 days and is required to be changed, after which the password will expire automatically by Google.
    • As per Google email policy, any Google Account ( in our case and email account ) that’s been inactive, meaning it has not been signed into or used within a two-year period. An inactive account and its content will be eligible for deletion from December 1, 2023.

The following formalities need to be completed by the alumni for various services.


Services Necessary Documents Fee (Rs.) Process Estimated Timeline
Education Verification for recruiters


– Application in a format specified by the recruiter

– Scanned copy of original transcripts with front & back pages, diploma/degree, certificate

– Proof of payment of Fee


Rs. 5,000/- plus applicable GST. As of date 18% hence total payment Rs. 5,900/-.







Send an email with required documents and proof of payment of a fee to

Within two weeks, subject to submission of necessary documents and fees.
Applications for WES or any similar agencies – WES Academic Request Form duly filled and signed

– Scanned copy of Original transcripts with front & back pages, diploma/degree/certificate as applicable

– Proof of payment of Fee

Rs. 1,000/- plus applicable GST. As of date 18% hence total payment Rs. 1,180/-.

In addition to the above-mentioned fee, the applicant is responsible for paying courier charges if documents are to be submitted offline. Since courier rates vary by region/country, the applicant will be notified individually through email.  The applicant must pay the courier charges and the above-mentioned verification fees in advance to consider their case for verification.


Within two weeks, subject to submission of necessary documents and fees.
Duplicate Transcript/Degree/



– Duly signed statement regarding loss/theft of the document and request to issue duplicate

– Scanned copy of original transcripts, diploma/degree/ certificate as applicable

– scanned copy of any one of the original photo ID proofs viz, Aadhar/ PAN/ passport/ driving license/ voter ID card.

– Scanned Copy of Original FIR

– Translation of FIR in case it is in a language other than Hindi and English

– Scanned copy of original Affidavit (refer to the website for format)

For duplicate transcript per year – Rs. 500/- plus applicable GST. As of date 18% hence total payment Rs. 590/.


For duplicate degree/diploma/certificate

Rs. 5,000/- plus applicable GST. As of date 18% hence total payment Rs. 5,900/-.


For the overseas applicant, a postage charge of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) will be charged additionally.

Send an email with required documents to

Followed by hardcopy of all the necessary documents for the Alumni & Academic Verification Office

For duplicate transcript- Thirty working days, subject to submission of necessary documents and fees.


For duplicate degree/diploma/certificate – three months, subject to submission of necessary documents and fees and availability of signing authorities.

Additional Transcripts – Application in a stipulated format

– Scanned copy of Original transcripts, diploma/degree/ certificate as applicable

For additional transcripts of all the years –  Rs. 500/- plus applicable GST for a full set of transcripts. As of date 18% hence total payment Rs. 590/.

Please read the detailed process given below.

Send an email with required documents to Within two weeks, subject to submission of necessary documents and fees.



Education Verification for recruiters

  1. Application request clearly mentioning the details of the Alumni who have completed the aforesaid programme from IIM Indore.
  2. The applicant should pay an amount of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) plus applicable GST, Total Rs. 5,900/- as per the prevailing rate of GST to IIM Indore Bank account and forward a scanned copy of the original degree/diploma/certificate with a transcript to Alumni & Verification Office for verification on email id
  3. The application, along with all required documents, should be forwarded/submitted to the Alumni & verification office of the IIM Indore.
  4. After verification, the Alumni & Verification Office will ensure that all education verification requests are addressed/ responded to within two weeks, subject to submission of required documents and fees.
  5. Please provide your GST number, if applicable.
  6. On receipt of all the required documents and payment confirmation, the verification will be undertaken within two weeks.

Applications for WES or any similar agencies

  1. Read the instructions mentioned on WORLD EDUCATION SERVICES (WES) website ( or any other relevant websites before processing your application.
  2. Apply with the required documents for completing your application. You will require to submit the following documents: (i) WES Academic Request Form duly filled and signed, (ii) Transcripts of all the years, (iii) Diploma / Degree / Certificate on email id
  3. Applicants are advised to send only colour scanned copies of the original documents clearly readable from top to bottom with front and back pages.
  4. The applicant should pay an amount of Rs.1,000/- per application (Rupees one thousand only) plus applicable GST (18%) plus applicable GST, Total Rs. 1,180/- as per the prevailing rate of GST to IIM Indore Bank account through online mode.

In addition to the above-mentioned fee, the applicant is responsible for paying courier charges if documents are to be submitted offline. Since courier rates vary by region/country, the applicant will be notified individually through email.  The applicant must pay the courier charges and the above-mentioned verification fees in advance to consider their case for verification.

Procedure for issuance of a duplicate copy of transcript/diploma/degree/certificate in case of loss or theft

An Alumni should submit the following documents to Alumni & Education Verification Office for issuance of duplicate transcripts/diploma/degree/certificates:

  1. A signed written statement stating that the applicant’s transcripts and diploma/degree/certificate have been lost or stolen and are untraceable. The applicant should mention the full name as per Institute records, roll number, programme attended, batch, year of passing, E-mail ID, Contact Number, GSTIN (Mandatory if you would like to avail credit of GST) in the statement.
  2. Affidavit on the non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 20/- (format given below).
  3. A copy of the FIR filed by the Alumnus in the police station regarding the loss/ theft and an affidavit of loss/theft of the transcript/certificate should also be submitted mentioning that in future, if he/she receives original documents, he/she would return the duplicate transcripts and diploma/degree to the Institute for cancellation Note: The FIR should be in English; if not, it should be translated into English and required to be attested by Gazetted Officer.
  4. An Alumni should send a copy of the transcript/diploma/degree/certificate to the Alumni & Verification Office for issuance of duplicate documents and

– an amount of Rs.500/- plus applicable prevailing GST (18%), i.e. Rs. 590/- per duplicate transcript (for example, you need a duplicate transcript of only the first year, in that you will require to pay Rs. 590/- but if you want duplicate transcripts of both years, you have to pay Rs. 1,180/-.

– Rs. 5,000/- plus applicable prevailing GST (18%), i.e. Rs. 5,900/- in case of issuance of duplicate diploma/degree/certificate to be paid in the IIM Indore bank account.

For an overseas applicant, a postage charge of Rs.1,000/- will be charged additionally.

  1. An Alumni should send a scanned copy of any one of the original photo ID proofs viz, Aadhar/ PAN/ passport/ driving license/ voter ID card.

After verification, the Alumni Office will ensure that all the requests for duplicate transcripts will be addressed/responded to within thirty working days and within three months in case of duplicate diploma/degree/certificate subject to submission of required documents, fees and availability of authorized signatories.

Format for Affidavit

regarding Loss/Theft of Transcript/Diploma/Degree/Certificate

[To be printed on a Rs. 20/- Non Judicial stamp paper]


AFFIDIVIT OF Mr. /Ms. / Mrs. —————————————————————————

I, ———————————————– S/o, D/o ———————————————-, aged about ———- year and residing at —————————————————————– ——————————– do hereby solemnly affirm and sincerely state as follows: I state that I have lost my ———————- degree/diploma/certificate/transcripts roll no.  ——————————————————————————————————-given in the month, year ——————– and if I do manage to recover or find the said original document, I shall return the duplicate certificate to the Alumni and Academic Verification Office at Indian Institute of Management Indore, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. The above mentioned facts are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.


Signature of the Deponent

Solemnly affirmed at ________________

On this —————- day of ———————                      Deponent signed before me


And signed his/her name in my presence                                       Seal of the Notary

—-  x  —-

For Additional Transcripts

Additional transcripts to be issued to the passed-out participants (This will be given to the participant and to the participant’s family members on his/her authorization, not to the employer or any agency requesting for verification without the participant’s consent). Only five additional transcripts can be issued to Alumni in one year.

  1. The applicant should pay an amount of Rs.500/- per set of transcripts (all years) (Rupees Five hundred only) plus applicable prevailing GST (18%), i.e. Rs. 590/- to IIM Indore bank account online, and the applicant should attach a copy of the original transcript and degree/diploma/certificate issued by the Institute to Alumni & Verification Office for verification.
  2. The applicant should mention the reason for the requirement of an additional transcript in his written application. The applicant should also mention the full name as per Institute records, roll number, programme attended, batch, year of passing, E-mail ID, Contact Number, GSTIN (Mandatory if you would like to avail credit of GST) in the application.
  3. For the overseas applicant, a postage charge of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) will be charged additionally.
  4. After verification, the Alumni Office will ensure that all the requests for additional transcripts will be addressed/responded to within 30 working days, subject to submission of required documents and fees.

Bank Account Details for payment :

Name of Account Holder              IIM MDP Fee Collection Account

Account Number                            32104076544

IFSC Code                                         SBIN0030525

Name of Bank                                  State Bank of India

Branch Address                              IIM Campus Branch, Rau-453331, M.P.

Nature of account                          Saving account

Branch Code                                     30525

SWIFT Code                                      SBININBB00700

MICR Code                                        452002084

GST Number                                     23AAAJI0057R1Z3

Applicants are advised to fill the required information in the below link to help us process your application for various services:

Contact Details of Alumni & Verification Office :

All the correspondences should be addressed to:

Alumni & Academic Verification Office,
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore,
Prabandh Shikhar, Rau-Pithampur Road,
Contact No: 0731 2439657,
Email id: