Dear Alumni,
Greetings from your Alma mater!
Alumni play an important part in the existence and growth of the institution. Think of major universities of the world; the alumni have made a significant contribution. You are a valued flag bearer of IIM Indore, and an integral part of the Planet-I fraternity. I hope you are keeping good health, doing well and earning laurels for yourself and your organization, family and of course, for your alma mater.
As you know, we at IIM Indore believe in developing socially conscious managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs. We are sure you are evolving in this direction. This year, we are celebrating the 25thanniversary of IIM Indore – not just to look back and be appreciative of what has been achieved in the past, but also to look forward to what the Institute and its alumni can do together to make society a better place to live in.
For the first time in 25 years, IIM Indore has paved the way for cherishing alumni relations more by establishing IIM Indore Alumni Association (IIMIAA), a Section 8 Company under the Companies Act. We endeavour to align the contributions of our Alumni in such a way that the Association serves to provide a platform that connects all of us and continues to cultivate and strengthen the relationships among us.
IIMIAA is incorporated to promote, encourage, assist and sustain entrepreneurship, education, innovation, scientific research and technology development by using a network of former students of the Indian Institute of Management, Indore. And to provide a platform to the former students for continuous learning, knowledge enhancement and skill up-gradation, to provide all types of support to the Institute in fulfilling its objectives of attaining standards of global excellence in management, management research and allied areas of knowledge, as enshrined in The Indian Institutes of Management Act, 2017 (No. 33 of 2017) and to promote best practices in different areas of management education for the benefit of the society, especially weaker sections. The prime objective of the Association, among other things, is to provide a platform for alumni of the IIMI to enhance interaction and networking, to promote sharing of experience in their respective professions.
IIMIAA is overseen by a Board of Directors consisting of eminent alumni from different programmes, Director – IIM Indore, Chair-Alumni Relations, Dean (Programmes) and the CAO. We value the concerns, time, and views of our alumni as important stakeholders of the Institute. We aim to strengthen networking prospects for alumni at all stages of their careers; support the present chapters and facilitate the creation of new alumni chapters across the globe; provide mentoring opportunities for recent alumni; encourage benefaction, create a strong presence on social media; and explore varied opportunities to connect with the Institute and its alumni.
To fulfill the above goals, we have specifically planned the following activities: 1) Alumni talk series “Wisdom” (Pragya) as part of the silver jubilee celebrations of the Institute during 2021-22, wherein alumni will deliver talks on their domain of expertise. While the talk is open to the entire community, it will help current students understand the state of the industry and make them future-ready. 2) Alumni will design specific skill-building modules for the students 3) Alumni will participate as resource persons in courses of the PGP/IPM/EPGP programmes in workshop/regular courses.
I encourage you to actively contribute to the activities organized by Alumni Office and Chapters, which can provide career development, knowledge enrichment, and networking opportunities.
You can contribute to the institute’s growth in many ways.
Thank you for surfing the alumni website. I sincerely hope you will visit this site regularly to stay up to date on news and events at the Institute and amongst our alumni. For any new ideas, suggestions, and feedback on what IIMIAA can do to foster a closer relationship amongst the alumni and between the alumni and the Association, or on the type of events and activities that you will be interested in, please feel free to contact the Alumni Office. Your suggestions will help us create an improved experience for our alumni; please share them on
I personally urge you to follow the Covid appropriate behaviour as directed by the government and your local authorities and encourage others to do the same so that we come out victorious from this pandemic.
I once again welcome you to connect, collaborate, communicate with your alma mater, and explore the possibilities offered by the Alumni.
Best wishes,
Chair, Alumni
IIM Indore