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Recruitment Notification No. 1/2024 – Advertisement for the post of Chief Officer Learning Centre, Chief Officer Finance and Accounts, Chief Officer Engineering, and other Non-Teaching Positions

Recruitment Notification no. 01/2024


The status of the final result for the post of Officer (Civil) is “None found suitable

List of candidates selected and waitlisted after final round of Interview for the post of General Duty Assistant

List of candidates for final round of interview

List of candidates shortlisted for Skill Test and First round of interview for the post of General Duty Assistant.

The call letters will be shared on the registered email id (as mentioned in the application form) containing the further details of the skill test and interview.

List of selected/waitlisted candidates for the post of Officer Learning Center (OLC)

The first round of interviews for the post of Officer (Civil) is scheduled on Friday, November 22, 2024, at IIM Indore, Indore campus. Interview call letters will be sent to the candidates shortlisted for the post of Officer (Civil) through email (email id mentioned in the application form). The final round of interview only for candidates shortlisted after the first round of interview is also scheduled on Friday, November 22, 2024.

List of selected/waitlisted candidates for the post of Officer (General Administration) and Officer (Finance and Accounts)

1. The admit card for the written test for the post of General Duty Assistant (GDA) has been sent on the email id’s of the candidates shortlisted for the position of GDA. All the shortlisted candidates are advised to check their email (email id mentioned in the application form). In case of non receipt of the admit card, the candidates are advised to write an email to “”. No queries of non receipt of admit card will be entertained after October 25, 2024.

2. The first round of interviews for the post of Officer (General Administration) is scheduled on Monday, November 04, 2024, at IIM Indore, Indore campus. Interview call letters will be sent to the candidates shortlisted for the post of Officer (General Administration) through email (email id mentioned in the application form). The final round of interview only for candidates shortlisted after the first round of interview is scheduled on Tuesday, November 05, 2024.

3. The first round of interviews for the post of Officer (Finance & Accounts) is scheduled on Monday, November 04, 2024 at IIM Indore, Indore campus. Interview call letters will be sent to the candidates shortlisted for the post of Officer (Finance & Accounts) through email (email id mentioned in the application form). The final round of interview only for candidates shortlisted after the first round of interview is scheduled on Tuesday, November 05, 2024.

4. The first round of interviews for the post of Officer (Learning Centre) is scheduled on Friday, November 08, 2024 at IIM Indore, Indore campus. Interview call letters will be sent to the candidates shortlisted for the post of Officer (Learning Centre) through email (email id mentioned in the application form). The final round of interview only for candidates shortlisted after the first round of interview is also scheduled on Friday, November 08, 2024.

Revised Indicative syllabus of the written test for the post of General Duty Assistant

  • English Language: Comprehension, Grammar, Sentence correction, one words, Antonyms, Synonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Clauses, Articles, Prepositions etc.
  • Reasoning Ability: Number series, Direction sense, Blood relations, Mathematical reasoning etc.
  • Quantitative aptitude.
  • General Awareness and Current Affairs: Current Affairs, Government Schemes, Economics, Geography, Indian History, Indian Polity, Indian Constitution etc.
  • Knowledge of the IIM Act and IIM Indore Rules and Regulations
  • Knowledge of MS-Office
  • Google Tools (Google Meet, Form, Sheet, Calendar, etc.)
  • Internet and Email
  • Noting and Drafting
  • Translation from English to Hindi
  • Translation from Hindi to English
  • Short essay writing in Hindi and English

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A written test for GDA position for the shortlisted candidates will be conducted in IIM Indore, Indore campus on Sunday, October 27, 2024. The shortlisted candidates will be informed only through email on the email id filled by the candidate in his/her application form. The Candidates are advised to visit the Career Section of the Institute’s Website regularly.

?????????? ??? ?? ??????????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ?? “????? ?????” ???? ?????? Shortlisted candidates will be sent “Admit Card” of the written test on the email id filled by the candidate in his/her application form.

Indicative syllabus of the written test for the post of General Duty Assistant

  • English Language: Comprehension, Grammar, Sentence correction, one words, Antonyms, Synonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Clauses, Articles, Prepositions etc.
  • Reasoning Ability: Number series, Direction sense, Blood relations, Mathematical reasoning etc.
  • General Awareness and Current Affairs: Current Affairs, Government Schemes, Economics, Geography, Indian History, Indian Polity, Indian Constitution etc.
  • Knowledge of the IIM Act and IIM Indore Rules and Regulations
  • Knowledge of MS-Office
  • Google Tools (Google Meet, Form, Sheet, Calendar etc.)
  • Internet and Email
  • Noting and Drafting
  • Translation from English to Hindi
  • Translation from Hindi to English
  • Short essay writing in Hindi and English

List of candidates shortlisted for further round of selection process

Corrigendum: 02

The last date to submit the duly filled-in application through online mode has been extended to July 17, 2024. The prospective applicants are requested to take cognizance of this Corrigendum.

Corrigendum for Recruitment Notification No. 1/2024 – Advertisement for the post of Chief Officer Learning Centre, Chief Officer Finance and Accounts, Chief Officer Engineering, and other Non-Teaching Positions

Corrigendum: 01

This has reference to the point no.2, vacancy for the post of Chief Officer Finance and Accounts (Position Code: COFA), the qualification may please be read as “The candidate should be a fully qualified CA/ CMA.”

About IIM Indore

With the objectives of imparting high quality management education and training, the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India established Indian Institute of Management Indore as Institutions of Excellence. These Institutions are recognized as premier management institutions, comparable to the best in the world for teaching, research and interaction with industries.

Established in 1996, Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM Indore) has been a leader in the field of management education, interfacing with the industry, government and PSUs. It is promoted and nurtured by the Ministry of Education, Government of India and is an institute of national importance under the Indian Institutes of Management Act 2017.

Spread over 193 acres, IIM Indore stands with pride, with the Triple Crown of three accreditations which is now the second IIM in the nation to receive triple accreditations. IIM Indore has been a leader in the field of management education, interfacing with the industry, government, and PSU.

With a mission to be a contextually relevant business school with world-class academic standards that develops socially-conscious managers, leaders and entrepreneurs, IIM Indore is one of the fastest-growing institutions in India today. The Institute has bagged a position in Top 100 in FT Rankings 2019 and stands at 8th Rank in the NIRF Rankings 2023.

Applications are invited for Non-Teaching positions. The details are given hereunder:

Position Table

Sl.No. Positions Position Code Pay Level as per 7th CPC Group UR NC-OBC SC Total
1 Chief Officer Learning Centre COLC  Contractual on consolidated emoluments A 1 1
2 Chief Officer Finance and Accounts COFA Contractual on consolidated emoluments A 1 1
3 Chief Officer Engineering COE Contractual on consolidated emoluments A 1 1
4 Officer (Civil) OC  Level-10 A 1 1
5 Officer (Finance & Accounts) OAC Level-10 A 1 1
6 Officer (General Administration) OGA Level-10 A  1 1
7 Officer (Learning Centre) OLC Level-10 A  1 1
8 General Duty Assistant GDA Level-5 C  3 2 1 6


  1. Chief Officer Learning Centre (Position Code: COLC):

Number of positions: 01 (01-UR)


Master’s degree in Library and Information/Documentation science with at least 50 percent marks or its equivalent grade and consistently good academic record.

Ph.D. in the above or allied discipline is desirable.

Work Experience:

The applicant should have at least thirteen years of experience as Deputy Librarian in a University Library or eighteen years of experience as a college Librarian or equivalent professional experience.

The applicant should show evidence of innovative library services and organization of published works. It is desirable to have experience in integrating Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in a library /experience with ICT in a library.

The candidate must have drawn the latest salary at the Pay level 12 (as per 7th CPC) or equivalent/above.

Important Note:

Experience Means: “Must have handled Head/Chief Librarian Position in an advanced/ computerized Library of international standards with evidence in implementation of ICT based library systems, innovative policies and procedures, library budget administration, library security, international cataloging standards, web technologies, library software, preferably in an Academic Institute of National or State importance or Autonomous Institutions/reputed Knowledge Centres of private firms. Experience in related media, technology, and information services aligned to knowledge management is also desirable.

Desirable: Exposure to Library systems integrated to ERP System-Student Centered Learning Management Modules, Repository management /service, digital lib software applications, knowledge-based bibliographic search system, METADATA standards, and implementation. Publications in peer-reviewed journals/reputed journals on current trends. Membership in ALA/SLA/SIS/ILA, MANLIBNET, etc.

Salary & Allowances:

Salary will not be a constraint for the deserving candidate and will be decided only after the interview.

Nature of Appointment:

The position would be on a contractual basis, initially for two years based on annual performance appraisal and extendable by one year at a time for an overall maximum period of five years, based on performance.

  1. Chief Officer Finance and Accounts (Position Code: COFA):

Number of positions: 01 (01-UR)

Chief Officer Finance and Accounts reports to the Director and is responsible for rendering advice on all matters related to Finance, Accounts & Audit.

The candidate should be well versed with budgeting, Accounts, Investment, tax compliances (both direct & indirect), audit controls, managing NPS, EPF etc. in line with all applicable statutory requirements in this regard.

Chief Officer Finance and Accounts (COFA) would also be responsible, among other things, for:

  1. Managing day-to-day affairs of the Finance, Accounts & Audit office of the Institute.
  2. All matters related to financial reporting of the Institute to the Finance & Audit Committee of the Board of Governors (BoG).
  3. Furnishing all information as and when required by the Ministry of Education (MoE), and/or any other Ministries of Govt. of India.
  4. Active liaison with all regulatory authorities (for example, PFRDA for NPS, various Tax authorities and other relevant offices, etc.), the internal audit team, and the statutory CAG Audit team and ensure strict legal, regulatory, and tax compliance.
  5. Proactively streamlining systems and processes and adopting automation for effective delivery of F&A solutions.
  6. Working with the investment committee to ensure optimal returns on the investible surplus of the Institute.
  7. Proactively engaging with faculty and staff and other stakeholders on matters related to F&A.
  8. Ensuring that adequate controls are installed so that the substantiating documentation for each purchase is available and approved as per the necessary laws/rules/regulations/practices/norms to be followed by the Institute for clearing independent as well as statutory CAG audits.
  9. Motivating and leading a team of competent accounting professionals.
  10. Ensuring adequate cash flow to meet the organization’s needs.
  11. Participation in the Stores & Purchase Committee as a permanent member of the procurement exercise of the Institute.
  12. Participation in the Staff Development & Evaluation Committee associated with the Human Resource Development of the Institute.
  13. Participation in the Project monitoring committee of the Institute.
  14. Ensuring adequate internal control mechanisms commensurate with the volume and complexity of the operations of the Institute.
  15. Any other assignment as may be entrusted upon by the competent authority from time to time.


The candidate should be a fully qualified Chartered Accountant.

Work Experience:

  1. Minimum 15 years’ post-qualification experience in a reputed commercial organization / Central / State Governments / Union Territories / Semi-Government / PSUs /Statutory or Autonomous Organizations / University / research and Development Organizations.
  2. Adequate knowledge and skills related to accounting functions and preparation of financial statements, Internal financial controls, and Internal Audit functions.
  3. In-depth understanding of regulatory requirements and tax compliances.

Preference will be given to candidates with adequate experience of working in the Finance, Accounts & Audit departments of centrally funded educational institutions/Autonomous Educational Institutions under the Act of Parliament

Salary & Allowances:

Salary will not be a constraint for the deserving candidate and monthly consolidated emoluments will be decided only after the interview.

Nature of Appointment:

The position would be on a contractual basis, initially for two years based on annual performance appraisal and extendable by one year at a time for an overall maximum period of five years, based on performance.


  1. Chief Officer Engineering (Position Code: COE):

            Number of positions: 01 (01-UR)

Job Profile:

Chief Officer Engineering is the head of Project and Estate Office of IIM Indore. The selected candidate would lead the project and estate team to manage all of the Institute’s projects and ensure adherence to strict timelines. Chief Officer Engineering would also be responsible, among other things, for-

  • Conceptualizing / Initiating / Planning Infrastructure projects to keep pace with the growing needs of the Institute.
  • Recommending methodology to implement the projects.
  • Preparing all works-related documents like detailed specifications, tender documents /drawings, notice inviting tenders, comparative statements, work orders and so on.
  • Managing all engineering project contracts, liaison with architects and contractors, monitoring and controlling of all project activities and ensuring completion within their budgeted costs as well as timelines.
  • Maintenance and repair of buildings, offices and classrooms, and preventive maintenance of systems and equipment etc.
  • All matters relating to the construction committee of the Institute.
  • Responsible for maintaining and implementing maintenance manual.
  • Looking after Planning, design, estimation, tendering, contract management, execution, mechanization, construction, maintenance and renovation, billing, certification etc. of works involving, but not limited to, multistoried buildings, institutional buildings, water, sanitary and sewer systems, electrical and central HVAC system, electrical power distribution of whole campus, firefighting systems, building management systems, roads and area development, resolution of safety issues etc.
  • Any other assignment as may be entrusted upon by the competent authority from time to time.


BE/ B Tech (Civil) with at least 50% marks or equivalent from a recognized University or equivalent.

Work Experience:

At least 20 year’s experience in Central / State Governments / Union Territories / Semi-Government / PSUs /Statutory or Autonomous Organizations / Engineering Universities / Research and Development Organizations.

Salary & Allowances:

Salary will not be a constraint for the deserving candidate and will be decided only after the interview.

Nature of Appointment:

The position would be on a contractual basis, initially for two years and extendable one year at a time, based on performance, which may be extended for a further period as required, upto a maximum period of five years.


  1. Officer (Civil) (Position Code: OC):

Number of positions: 01 (01-UR)

Job Profile:

  1. Relevant experience of working with CPWD norms and practices in the following areas: Planning, Designing, Estimating, Development of specifications, Preparation and Submission of complete tender package, Quality control and monitoring of works, Verification of contractor bills etc.  Hands on experience in AutoCAD, STAAD, Project Management software, GIS software and exposure to Sustainable Engineering Practices in Campus Infrastructure planning and execution for attaining a net zero campus. Should have been well versed with green building concepts and its procedures. Should also have experience in maintenance of infrastructure including buildings. Experience in handling and maintaining STPs, Water supply networks, Fire hydrant networks, Fire extinguishers. Good communication and writing skills to work in a professional environment, Master’s Degree in the relevant experience areas will be considered as a value addition.
  2. Incumbent shall be responsible for maintaining/ managing/ developing/ providing technical support for campus physical infrastructure.
  3. Implementation and follow up action on the policy matters of the Institute.
  4. Any other task(s) as may be assigned by the authorities of the Institute from time to time.

Eligibility Criteria:


M.E/M.Tech in the Civil Engineering with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA from a government recognized University/Institute


B.E/B.Tech in the Civil Engineering with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA from a government recognized University/Institute.

Work Experience:

For M.E/M.Tech: At least 5 years of full time post qualification experience in Civil engineering


For B.E/B.Tech: At least 8 years of full time post qualification experience in Civil engineering.

The experience certificate that the candidate will upload in his/her application form should indicate the area of experience.

  1. Officer (Finance & Accounts) (Position Code: OAC):

Number of positions: 01 (01-UR)

Job Profile:

  • Responsible for managing all activities of the Finance & Accounts Department including fund management, tax management (direct/indirect), MIS, Payroll Management including retirement benefits, and internal audit functions.
  • Budgeting and control systems.
  • Coordination with outsourced Internal Audit firms and C&AG Audit. Replies to various audit queries.
  • Preparation of agenda and minutes in connection with the Finance and Audit Committee of the Institute.
  • The incumbent is expected to be in a position to independently draw financial statements in accordance with prescribed guidelines in this regard.
  • Knowledge and exposure to various accounting software and well-versed in computer office applications.

Eligibility Criteria:


CA/CMA with a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University/Institute and well-versed in computer office applications.

Work Experience:

At least 5 years of full time post-qualification experience.

  1. Officer (General Administration) (Position Code: OGA):

Number of positions: 01 (01- NC-OBC)

Job Profile:

Duties shall include supervision in one or more areas of academic/administrative activities of the Institutes. The selected candidate will be initially posted in IIM Indore Mumbai campus; however, the employee can be transferred to any other location at any time as per the requirements of the Institute.

Eligibility Criteria:


Master’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University / Institute with a minimum of 50% marks and well-versed in computer office applications.

Work Experience:

At least 5 years of full-time post-qualification administrative experience.

  1. Officer (Learning Centre) (Position Code: OLC):

Number of positions: 01 (01- NC-OBC)

Job Profile:

Responsible to assist the Chief Officer Learning Centre in extending both library services as well as modern information services.

Eligibility Criteria:


Master’s Degree in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation Science or an equivalent professional degree from a recognized university/ institute with a minimum of 50% marks and well-versed in computer office applications.

Work Experience:

At least 5 years of full-time post-qualification relevant experience.

  1. General Duty Assistant (Position Code: GDA):

Number of positions: 6 (3- UR, 2 NC-OBC, 1- SC)

Job Profile:

Candidates will assist/perform in one or more areas of academic and administrative activities of the Institute including Post-Graduate Programme in Management, Executive Post-Graduate Programme in Management, Fellow Programme in Management, Integrated Programme in Management, Executive Education Office, Accounts, Admissions, Hostel & Students Affairs, HR, Career Services, Research & Publications, and Stores & Purchase, etc.

Eligibility Criteria:


Candidates should be graduates/post graduate with at least 50% marks in any discipline from a recognized University/Institute and well-versed in computer office applications.

Work Experience:

A minimum of 2 years of post-qualification full time experience is mandatory.

Selection process:

Only the shortlisted candidates will be invited for a written test and/or interview. The date, time, and place of the written test and/or interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates only through email. Candidates are advised to visit the Career section of the Institute’s website regularly for all the updates/ information in this regard.
Click here to Apply

How to apply:

Link for the online application

Procedure to Apply:

The candidates are advised to use the latest version of the browser to fill the online application form also the candidate must clear the browser cache before filling out the form.

The applicant has to click on the above online application link for applying after reading the instructions carefully and fill in the online application form by giving accurate information. This link will open an online application form.

The applicant has to fill in “Personal Details” section, “Other details” section and upload all the relevant documents in the “Uploads” section.

Under the “Personal Details” section the candidate has to enter the details of the Identity Card (field specified as ID Details in the application form). The candidate if shortlisted will be required to carry same identity card for the written test and/or interview.

Under the “Other Details” Section the applicant has to fill all three references mandatorily, including the name, address, phone number and position / Designation of the referee apart from other details. Under the “Uploads” section the candidate has to upload his/her photograph (recent passport size photograph max 80Kb in jpg/jpeg format) and scanned signature (max 80Kb in jpg/jpeg format) mandatorily, a valid Reservation category certificate (if applicable) in PDF format max size 500KB, and PWD certificate (if applicable) in PDF format (max size 500KB) apart from other details.

After filling the details, the applicant has to “Agree” to the declaration and click on “Save and Next” button. A system-generated User ID and Password will be sent to his/her email Id (applicants are advised to also check the junk/spam folder of their email for User Id and Password) mentioned in the “Personal Details” section. In case the application form is not completely filled the candidate can use the User ID and Password to re-login and complete the form. Please note at this stage the application form is not considered as finally submitted.

After clicking on “Save and Next” button following message will be displayed by the browser: “On submitting this form. Please fill the “Educational details and Experience details” tab completely and make the payment (if applicable). Thereafter, the form will be considered as finally submitted.”

After clicking on “Save and Next” button a new page will open, In the first tab the applicant will be able to see the information filled by him/her and will be able to take a print/ save PDF. The second tab is “Experience and Education details”. On clicking the second tab, the applicant has to click on “Work and Education details” button, this button will open a new form. The new form will display the name of the applicant and the application number. The applicant has to select the name of the post for which he/she is applying from the drop-down menu and fill all his/her Qualifying examination in the order of earliest to latest. The first row is for 10th or equivalent and the second row is for 12th or equivalent. All the educational qualification details up to the highest qualification obtained by the applicant are to be entered in the subsequent rows and the applicant is required to upload all his/her Educational Certificate in one PDF format (One PDF file for all Qualifying Examination certificates, marksheets, max size 2MB only in PDF format). The application will be summarily rejected if all the Qualifying examination certificates are not uploaded.

Under the Experience details section, the applicant will be required to enter details of all work experience in the order of latest to earliest. The applicant is also required to upload all his/her experience certificates in PDF format (One PDF file for all Experience Certificates, max size 2MB only in PDF format). The application will be summarily rejected if all the experience certificates are not uploaded.

After filling in all the details, the applicant will be required to click on the “Next” button. In the next tab the applicant will be able to see the fees payable (if applicable) and has to agree to the “Declaration” and submit the form. The applicant will be redirected to the payment gateway (if the application fee is applicable). After successfully making the payment, a new page will open and confirmation regarding the payment (if applicable) will be displayed. The applicant will be able to see the information filled by him/her and will be able to take a print of the same.

Please note, after this, the application will be considered to be as finally submitted.

For candidates applying for more than one position

The candidates who wish to apply for more than one position (Advertised under Recruitment Notification no. 01/2024) are required to fill the application no. and name of post applied earlier. These details are to be mandatorily filled in at the relevant section of the application form.

For candidates belonging to NC?OBC, SC, and PwD:

Candidates belonging to NC?OBC, SC, and PwD categories need to produce valid Caste/ Category certificate(s) in support of their reservation category.

For the purpose of being considered for reservations, the applicable Central Government list as on the last date of application shall be binding and the candidates are required to upload the valid documents signed by the competent authority to ascertain the eligibility status to apply under the reserved category (NC-OBC/SC/PwD).

No request of change in the category applied for will be entertained in any case.

A sample format for SC/ NC-OBC/PWD certificate is given as under:

SC Certificate

NC-OBC Certificate

PwD Certificate (Form V |   Form VI   |  Form VII )

Last Date for Application:

The last date to submit the duly filled-in application through online mode is July 15, 2024.

General Terms and conditions:

    1. Mere fulfilling of the minimum qualification and experience requirements will not confer any right on the candidate for being called for a written test or/and Interview or/and their selection.
    2. The Institute reserves the right not to select anyone without assigning any reason. The institute also reserves the right to cancel any or all advertised positions any time without assigning any reason.
    3. The Institute reserves the right to change/apply appropriate shortlisting criteria in case of a large number of applications.
    4. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted through email only mentioned in the application form.
    5. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard during or after the process.
    6. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
    7. Incomplete application without proper supporting documents will be summarily rejected.
    8. The application fees (non-refundable) is as under:
    Sl.No. Positions Position Code Application Charges (Rs.) Including GST (*)
    1 Chief Officer Learning Centre COLC  1,180/-
    2 Chief Officer Finance and Accounts COFA  1,180/-
    3 Chief Officer Engineering COE  1,180/-
    4 Officer (Civil) OC  1,180/-
    5 Officer (Finance & Accounts) OAC  1,180/-
    6 Officer (General Administration) OGA  1,180/-
    7 Officer (Learning Centre) OLC  1,180/-
    8 General Duty Assistant GDA     590/-
    1. No application fees is required to be paid for the candidates who belong to SC/PwD category and female candidates.
    2. Applications received after the due date (July 15, 2024) will not be entertained.
    3. Applications received without relevant attachments will be rejected.
    4. Preference will be given to the candidates who have worked in educational institutes of national importance such as IIMs/IITs/NITs etc.
    5. Candidates interested in applying are required to apply only online. No other mode of application will be considered.
    6. Candidates are expected to be fluent in Hindi and English communication skills both written and spoken.
    7. Candidates are advised to visit the Career section of the Institute’s website regularly for all the updates/ information in this regard.
    8. The Institute reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of positions/ vacancies.
    9. For all the vacancies the last date till which the experience would be counted is July 15, 2024.
    10. The Institute requires the selected candidates to join immediately.
    11. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test or/and Interview or/and selection process.
    12. For the position no. 4 to 8 mentioned in the position table the candidate must have a residual service of five years before attaining the age of superannuation.
    13. IIM Indore is an autonomous Institute and does not accept people coming on deputation/ joining on technical resignation.
    14. Based on the number and quality of applications received the Institute may decide to conduct a written test and/ or skill test and /or interview and /or any other test/selection process deemed appropriate only for the candidates shortlisted by the Institute.
    15. Candidate who wish to apply for more than one position are advised to submit a separate application for each position and pay the relevant application fees (non-refundable).
    16. The decision of IIM Indore would be final and binding to the candidates.
    17. In case of any dispute concerning this recruitment the jurisdiction of the competent courts will be within the territorial jurisdiction of the city of Indore only.