The book collection of the library consists of books, back-volumes of periodicals, theses, conference proceedings, reports etc. Except reference collection, all the books are available on the first floor of the Learning Centre. Reference books have been kept on the ground floor.
Books are arranged by decimal numbers using Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) scheme. Each book is assigned a DDC number which represents the subject of the book. On the shelves, the books are then arranged according to the numbers which are indicated on the spine of the books. Please consult Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) to check the availability and location of a book.
New books that are added to the LC collection are displayed near the entrance of the library premises. A list of such additions is sent to all the users on a monthly basis and is also available on the library intranet. Newly added books remain on display for one week after which these can be borrowed by the users.
Reference collection including Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Directories, Handbooks etc. and some basic books of general nature are available in open shelves on the ground floor Reading Hall. These are meant for consultation within the Reading Room.