Compulsory PGP Courses | 29 credits in Term I 26 credits in Term II 4 credits in Term III Total – 59 credits |
Compulsory DPM Courses | Term III – Philosophy in Management Research – 2 credits Term IV – Academic Writing – 1 credit Term V – Academic Writing – 1 credit |
Compulsory DPM Area Courses Area Specified |
Term III – 8 credits Term IV – 4 credits + Area Course 4 – Research Method |
Related Area Course | Term III – 4 credits compulsory |
DPM Elective courses (Area/Non Area) |
Term IV – Electives 8 credits (area + non area) of these not more than 4 can be taken outside area electives. Term V – Electives 12 credits (area + non area) of these not more than 4 can be taken outside area electives. |
Workshop (Compulsory) |
Term III – Workshop I on tools/software and techniques 1 credit 8 sessions Term IV – Workshop 2 on tools/software and techniques 1 credit 8 sessions |
Sr. No. | Term | Duration | Contents |
1 | Term I | 3 months | PGP courses (29 credits) |
2 | Term II | 3 months | PGP courses (26 credits) |
3 | Term III | 3 months | PGP courses (4 credits), DPM Compulsory (2 credits), Compulsory DPM Area Courses (8 credits) Related Area courses(4 credits), Workshop (1 credit) |
4 | Term IV | 5 months | DPM Compulsory (1 credit), Compulsory DPM Area Courses (4 credits+ 4 credit Area Research) DPM Electives (8 credits), Workshop (1 credit) |
5 | Term V | 4 months | DPM Compulsory (1 credit), FPM Electives (12 credits), Workshop (1 credit) |
Total | 105/109 Credits |
Comprehensive Examination
On completion of the course work, the participants take the area comprehensive examination (ACE). The area comprehensive examination tests whether the participant has obtained a satisfactory level of knowledge in his/her field of specialization and whether he/she has satisfactorily integrated the various courses taken in the area.
Thesis and dissertation
After passing the comprehensive examination, the participant enters the thesis stage. Each participant will be advised by a Thesis Advisory Committee (comprising 3 or 4 faculty members). The participant first develops a thesis proposal, for which he/she identifies a thesis topic. The Thesis Advisory Committee [TAC] of the participant arranges a public seminar on the thesis proposal for the IIMI academic community. After approval of the thesis proposal the participant works closely with the TAC on his/her thesis. On completion of the thesis research, the participant gives a public seminar, submits the thesis and defends the same.