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Financial Support

Financial Support
  • Currently the DPM students at IIM Indore are provided the fellowship grant/stipend of Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand only) per month during their course work (Term-I, II III, IV and V) and Rs. 45,000/- (Rupees Forty five Thousand only) per month after clearing the area comprehensive examination as per norms. The maximum duration for which they can get stipend would be 57 months (4 years and 9 months).
  • A Research Development Grant of Rs. 37,500/-(Rupees Twenty Seven Thousand Five Hundred only) per annum for 04 years is also provided to DPM students for supporting the research efforts and is subject to the norms of the programme.
  • The total amount of the national conference grant is Rs. 1,20,000/-. The Institute subsidizes expenses for presenting papers in National Conference subject to a ceiling of Rs. 30,000/- per year with a provision that from second year onwards for attending n number of conference per year but subject to a cap for Rs.30,000/- per year.
  • For International Conferences, the Institute subsidizes expenses subject to a ceiling of Rs. Two lakhs with a provision of attending a maximum of two International Conferences plus International Doctoral Colloquium or International Professional Development Workshop during the entire period of the programme but not beyond five years.
  • The DPM participant is entitled for free boarding and lodging on campus. Since the DPM is a full-time residential programme, bachelor accommodation is provided to all the participants in the Institute’s hostel on campus. Limited accommodation for married participants may be available on the campus on payment basis (subject to availability and other applicable rules of HS&A).

NoteThe fellowship grant/stipend, Research Development Grant and free boarding and lodging for DPM participants are subject to laid down norms of the programme.