Accredited by European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), Association of Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB-US based accreditation agency) and Association of MBAs, London (AMBA—UK based accreditation agency) the Post Graduate Programme (PGP) in Management at IIM Indore is a two-year, full-time, residential programme.It is also recognized by the Association of Indian Universities and is considered equivalent to the MBA Degree. The programme aims to groom participants into competent professional managers with
Learning goals of PGP are aligned with the mission of the Institute. Specific learning goals of the PGP programme are as follows.
Develop Critical Thinking
Ability to Work in Groups Effectively
Develop Competence in Quantitative Analysis
Prepare socially conscious and ethically motivated managers, leaders and entrepreneurs
The PGP is spread over two years, each year consisting of three terms. In between the first and second years, the participant spends eight weeks on a summer project in a business organization. The academic year begins in June/July and ends in March/April of the following year.
Based on feedback from the corporate sector, benchmarking against globally top-ranked MBA programmes and insights from recent studies on the effectiveness of MBA programmes, IIM Indore has launched a new PGP (MBA) programme design from its 2016-18 Batch.
Skill Development Courses: These include Communication, Leadership, Spreadsheet Modeling, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovation and Design Thinking and Sustainability, taught in a workshop-based format.
Industry Awareness workshop is conducted to increase participants’ awareness and knowledge of industries in which they hope / target to work. It introduces various sources of information and methods of research for the participants. Each group researching and presenting about one industry would help prepare all the participants prepare better.
Another initiative to blend theory and practice is the hiring of professors of practice, which allows industry professionals with 15-20 years of experience to become a part of the IIM Indore full-time faculty. These professors of practice are already making a difference with case-writing projects on SBI, Godrej and BHEL, and a new consulting practicum to be offered in the second-year PGP.
IIM Indore retains and reinforces some differentiating features from its earlier programme design:
IIM Indore uses a combination of various teaching methods such as cases, projects, computer aided instructions, group discussions, lectures, seminars, presentations by participants and lectures by guest speakers from industry and government. The case method is the predominant pedagogical tool. This sharpens the analytical skills of participants and helps analyze problems from multi- functional perspectives. Instructors mainly guide the group, push participants to develop and defend arguments and take decisions.
The course fee for resident Indians (for two years) is Rs. 20,11,800/- (Rupees Twenty lakhs eleven thousand and eight hundred only) and Rs.30,11,800/-(Rupees Thirty lakhs eleven thousand and eight hundred only) for NRI Candidates. The course fee includes access to lectures, computer facilities, library etc. It also includes alumni fee and lodging. Course fee does not include cost of textbooks, hostel fees, insurance, etc.
The Post Graduate Programme lasts six trimesters, spread over two years, with a summer project in between the two years. This eight-week programme is an opportunity for participants to put their ideas and skills in to work, in established and reputed companies from various sectors.
The first year participants are given the fundamental knowledge, analytical skills & techniques, contextual understanding, environmental awareness and overall perspective, which will serve as the bedrock for the programme. The areas covered are Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Quantitative Research, Operations, Economics and Strategy.
In the second year electives give participants a deeper understanding of different functional areas. The emphasis is on the application of knowledge gained, in the form of projects, group exercises and case discussions. Guest lectures and workshops further enrich their learning.