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12th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education

12th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education 

Conference dates: 3rd – 5th June 2022

Theme: Digital Decade: E-Learning, E-Business, and E-Working

Submission guidelines      |   Registration Link      |   Registration fees   |   Call for papers   |    Brochure  |    Accommodation form

This decade has transformed how work, education, and business are being executed. Managers have digitized their companies (E-working), educators have transformed physical institutions/classrooms into digital platforms of learning (E-learning), and banks & financial institutions launched digital outreach to clients (E-business). In fact, the digital transformation is not limited to businesses, but it is spread out among individuals and brands. CERE 2022 explores the research opportunities in the digital decade and the current transition to e-learning, e-business, and e-working to understand transformation from physical to digital presence.

The authors can submit only extended abstract for the conference however those who are targeting best paper award and publication opportunity need to submit a full paper.

Important Timelines

Paper submission opens: 15/01/2022
Paper submission deadline: 22/03/2022
Extended abstract submission deadline: 31/03/2022
Intimation of acceptance: 18/04/2022
Early bird registration opens: 19/04/2022
Early bird registration deadline: 30/04/2022
Late registration deadline: 07/05/2022
The conference will be held in Hybrid mode and the mode may change according to Covid-19 situations.



Track discipline

Digital business operations (Conference theme track)
Business economics and finance
Business policy and strategic management
Communication in business and research
Information systems in management
Marketing management
Operations management and quantitative techniques
Organizational behavior and human resource management
Liberal studies and management



Guest Speaker


Prof. Bipul Kumar Faculty in Marketing department at IIM Indore
Prof. Arvind Sahay Faculty in Marketing department at IIM Ahmedabad
Prof. Sonjaya Gaur Faculty of Marketing at NYU
Prof. Saman Muthukumarana Director at Data Science Nexus and Associate Professor at University of Manitoba
Prof. Tathagatha Bandyopadhyay Distinguisher Professor, DAIICT Gandhinagar, Retired faculty IIM Ahmedabad
Mr.Harshavardhan Chauhan VP, chief marketing and omnichannel officer, spencer’s retail
Mr. Amardeep Randhawa , Mr. Kavindra Mishra Head – Monetization and Partnerships AdaniDigital
Prof. Jatin Pandey Faculty in OBHR department at IIM Indore
Mr. Arnab Deb Industry expert on ESG, Manager Research – Sustainalytics

Best paper awards:

Best paper award: Rs. 20000/-
1st runner up: Rs. 15000/-
2nd runner up: Rs. 10000/-

For any queries contact:

Abhinay : +91-9670038274
Kishan: +91-9601784867