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Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications 2023-24

  1. Aggarwal, A., Holden, H., & Vaidya, G. (2024). On the accuracy of the finite volume approximations to nonlocal conservation laws. Numerische Mathematik, DOI:
  2. Goyal, L., & Popli, M. (2023). Performance Feedback and Risk-Taking: A Configurational Approach. British Journal of Management, DOI:
  3. Banerjee, P., & Deb, S.G. (2023). Capital investment, working capital management, and firm performance: Role of managerial ability in US logistics industry. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, DOI:
  4. Arayankalam, J., Soral, P., Khan, A., Krishnan, S., & Bose, I. (2024). Does centralization of online content regulation affect political hate speech in a country? A public choice perspective. Information and Management, DOI:
  5. Singh, S.K., Varma, A., Budhwar, P.S., & Soral, P. (2023). Impact of Supervisor’s Interactional Justice and Interpersonal Affect on Subordinates’ Performance Rating: A Signalling Perspective. British Journal of Management, DOI:
  6. Rao, A., Kumar, S., Gupta, P., & Dash, S.R. (2024). Quantifying the impact of interest rate volatility on Asian energy companies: A comparative study of fossil and renewable sectors. Energy Economics, DOI:
  7. Basu, S., Malik, A., Munjal, S., & Venkataramanan, S.V. (2023). Investigating governance of tolerable and intolerable dark sides in B2B dyads in post pandemic emerging markets. Industrial Marketing Management, DOI:
  8. Khan, A.W., & Mishra, A. (2024). AI credibility and consumer-AI experiences: a conceptual framework. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, DOI:
  9. Nawres, D., Nedra, B.-A., Yousaf, A., & Mishra, A. (2024). The role of augmented reality in shaping purchase intentions and WOM for luxury products. Journal of Business Research, DOI:
  10. Singh, G., & Mishra, A. (2023). Customer intention to participate in service recovery: what is it and what are the drivers?. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, DOI:
  11. Tiwari, V., Mishra, A., & Tiwari, S. (2023). Role of data safety and perceived privacy for acceptance of IoT-enabled technologies at smart tourism destinations. Current Issues in Tourism, DOI:
  12. Sethi, A.R., Dash, S., Mishra, A., & Cyr, D. (2024). Role of community trust in driving brand loyalty in large online B2B communities. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, DOI:
  13. Said, N., Ben, Mansour, K., Bahri-Ammari, N., Yousaf, A., & Mishra, A. (2024). Customer acceptance of humanoid service robots in hotels: moderating effects of service voluntariness and culture. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, DOI:
  14. Taheri, B., Yousaf, A., Gannon, M., & Mishra, A. (2024). e-commerce website customer engagement: Delineating the role of UTAUT, vividness, and compulsion. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 79, 103835. DOI:
  15. Billore, A. (2024). Does the cinematic depiction of a place deceive viewers’ perception of its reality? Exploring movie-induced destination stereotypes. Tourism Recreation Research, DOI:
  16. Babulal, M. S., Gauttam, S. K., & Maheshwari, A. (Accepted). Poisson processes with jumps governed by lower incomplete gamma subordinator and its variations. Theory of Probability and its Applications,
  17. Aggarwal, A., Holden, H., & Vaidya, G. (2024). Well-posedness and error estimates for coupled systems of nonlocal conservation laws. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, drad101. DOI:
  18. Sharma, A., & Rastogi, S. (2024). Strategic Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility (ECSR) Certification and Endogenous Market Structure. B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, DOI:
  19. Shroff, A., Shah, B.J., & Gajjar, H. (2024). Fairness, profits and social welfare: the implications of pay-what-you-want in online food delivery. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, DOI:
  20. Sengupta, A., Maitra, D., Dash, S.R., & Brooks, R. (2023). Do Oil Shocks Affect Financial Stress? Evidence from Oil-Exporting and -Importing Countries. American Business Review, DOI:
  21. Balakumar, S., & Maitra, D. (2023). Do political connections or elite capture matter in access to financial services? Evidence from Indian households. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, DOI:
  22. MVK, J., & Maitra, D. (2023). Do election cycles, political stability, and government effectiveness matter for the risk of banks? Evidence from Indian banks. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, DOI:
  23. Jain, P., & Maitra, D. (2023). Risk implications of dependence in the commodities: A copula-based analysis. Global Finance Journal, DOI:
  24. Biswas, P., Jain, P., & Maitra, D. (2024). Are shocks in the stock markets driven by commodity markets? Evidence from Russia-Ukraine war. Journal of Commodity Markets, DOI:
  25. Indibara, I., Halder, D., & Varshney, S. (2023). Consumer cynicism: Interdisciplinary hybrid review and research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, DOI:
  26. Arumugam, D. (2023). Algorithmic trading: Intraday profitability and trading behavior. Economic Modelling, DOI:
  27. Lim, W.M., Malik, N., Gupta, S., & Rai, H. (2024). Harnessing brand authenticity to promote prosocial service behavior. Journal of Brand Management, DOI:
  28. Khan, A.W., & Pandey, J. (2023). Exploring fire for financial independence retire early (FIRE): a netnography approach. Journal of Consumer Marketing, DOI:
  29. Mishra, A.A., Maheshwari, M., Pandey, J., & Hassan, Y. (2023). Fempreneurship Through Digital Platforms: The “Labyrinth Groove” and the “Barricades” Within. Journal of Global Information Management, DOI:
  30. Singh, A., & Pandey, J. (2023). Artificial intelligence adoption in extended HR ecosystems: enablers and barriers. An abductive case research. Frontiers in Psychology, DOI:
  31. Jayasimha, K.R., Srivastava, H.S., Sivakumar, K., & Sivaraman, M. (2024). Reverse contagion: role of empathy, narrative appeal, and intensity of previous misbehavior. Journal of Consumer Marketing, DOI:
  32. Narayanan, S., Naraparaju, K., & Gerber, N. (2023). An assessment of India’s multiple national social protection schemes in improving nutrition and health. Food Security, DOI:
  33. Ahsan, F.M., Gubbi, S.R., & Popli, M. (2023). Do board interlocks affect the frequency and pace of cross-border acquisitions by emerging market firms?. Long Range Planning, DOI:
  34. Gada, V.P., Popli, M., & Malhotra, S. (2024). Geographic distance in cross-border acquisitions: The impact of CEO’s psychological attributes. Journal of International Management, DOI:
  35. Popli, M., & Ahsan, F.M. (2024). Springboarding and activity load: Constraints on managerial attention and dependency on advisory firms in cross-border acquisitions. Journal of International Management, DOI:
  36. Khandeparkar, K., Motiani, M., Chaurasia, S.S., & Chowdhury, J. (2024). A powerful tip: Power’s impact on tipping behavior. International Journal of Consumer Studies, DOI:
  37. Gupta, B.B., Gaurav, A., & Panigrahi, P.K. (2023). Analysis of retail sector research evolution and trends during COVID-19. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, DOI:
  38. Panigrahi, R., Bele, N., Panigrahi, P.K., & Gupta, B.B. (2024). Features level sentiment mining in enterprise systems from informal text corpus using machine learning techniques. Enterprise Information Systems, DOI:
  39. Banerjee, P., Dhole, S., & Mishra, S. (2023). Operating performance during the COVID-19 pandemic: Is there a business group advantage?. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, DOI:
  40. Banerjee, P., Guha, & Deb, S. (2024). Working capital management efficiency, managerial ability, and firm performance: new insights. Applied Economics, DOI:
  41. Soral, P., Pati, S.P., Singh, S.K., Del, Giudice, M., & Degbey, W.Y. (2023). Let Us Halt the Resurgence of Protectionism: Trade Openness, Innovation Ecosystem, and Workforce Diversity in the Knowledge-Based Economy. Management International Review, DOI:
  42. Behl, A., Kamboj, S., Sharma, N., Pereira, V., Salwan, P., Chavan, M., & Pathak, A.A. (2023). Linking Dynamic Absorptive Capacity and Service Innovation for Born Global Service Firms: An Organization Innovation Lens Perspective. Journal of International Management, DOI:
  43. Sondhi, S.S., Salwan, P., Behl, A., Niranjan, S., & Hawkins, T. (2024). Evaluation of strategic orientation-led competitive advantage: the role of knowledge integration and service innovation. Journal of Knowledge Management, DOI:
  44. Chaudhry, S., & Chhajer, R. (2023). Enhancing psychological well-being of school teachers in India: role of energy management, thriving, and stress. Frontiers in Psychology, DOI:
  45. Chhajer, R., & Hira, N. (2024). Exploring positive psychology intervention and mindfulness-based intervention in nature: impact on well-being of school students in India. Frontiers in Public Health, DOI:
  46. Chhajer, R., & Dagar, C. (2024). Examining the impact of a restorative breath-based intervention “Sudarshan Kriya Yoga” at work: a field experiment. Frontiers in Psychology, DOI:
  47. Srivastava, A.K., & Mishra, R. (2024). What is my privacy score? Measuring users’ privacy on social networking websites. Electronic Commerce Research, DOI:
  48. Jayarao, G.B., Ray, S., & Panigrahi, P.K. (2024). Information security threats and organizational readiness in nWFH scenarios. Computers and Security, DOI:
  49. Jha, A.K., & Ray, S. (2023). Influencer recommendation system: choosing the right influencer using a network analysis approach. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, DOI:
  50. Chanda, S.S., &Ray, S. (2023). Is comprehensiveness in making strategic decisions always helpful?. Australian Journal of Management, DOI:
  51. Dash, S.R., Gabauer, D., Goel, G., & Subramaniam, S. (2023). Investigating dynamic connectedness of global equity markets: the role of investor attention. Applied Economics, DOI:
  52. Jha, A.K., & Kumar, S. (2023). ‘DON’T FOOL ME, AS IT IS YOUR LOSS’ – IMPACT OF DECEPTION ON INFORMATION PRIVACY. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, DOI:
  53. Jiang, X., Margarita, Livas, S., Yin, F., Banerjee, S., Butts, C.T., & Shen, W. (2023). Structure recovery and trend estimation for dynamic network analysis. Stat, DOI:
  54. Sagar, K., Banerjee, S., Datta, J., & Bhadra, A. (2024). Precision matrix estimation under the horseshoe-like prior–penalty dual. Electronic Journal of Statistics, DOI:
  55. Sagar, K., Datta, J., Banerjee, S., & Bhadra, A. (2024). Maximum a posteriori estimation in graphical models using local linear approximation. Stat, DOI:
  56. Dash, S., Ranjan, S., Bhardwaj, N., & Rastogi, S.K. (2023). Workplace ostracism: a qualitative enquiry. Personnel Review, DOI:
  57. Bapat, S.R., & Joshi, N. (2024). Optimal estimation of the length-biased inverse Gaussian mean with a case study on Eastern Tropical Pacific dolphins. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, DOI:
  58. Bapat, S.R., & Sreeranjini, T.M. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on house sparrows: Comparative study from an Indian context. PLoS ONE, DOI:
  59. Dayal, S., & Pratibha. (2023). Roadblocks in education amidst global crisis- A study based in India. PLoS ONE, DOI:
  60. Sardana, D., Gupta, N., Zhu, Y., Parida, S., Garg, S., & Paruchuri, S. (2024). Still waters run deep: differences in employee empowerment between public and private sector firms in India. International Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI:
  61. Sharma, V., Eissa, G., Newman, A., Lester, S.W., & Pandey, J. (2024). Psychological Entitlement and Moral Disengagement as Antecedents of Compliance with COVID-19 Workplace Safety Protocols and the Moderating Role of Moral Identity. Applied Psychology, DOI:
  62. Goyal, L., & Goyal, V. (2024). Feedback persistence matters! Uncovering the varying effects of success and failure persistence on firm risk-taking. Strategic Organization, DOI:
  63. Suchdeo, M., Lowalekar, H., & Banerjee, D. (2023). A visual method for achieving stakeholder consensus on the specifics of change: a case study. Journal of Organizational Change Management, DOI:
  64. Mandliya, A., Pandey, J., Hassan, Y., Behl, A., & Alessio, I. (2024). Negative brand news, social media, and the propensity to doomscrolling: measuring and validating a new scale. International Studies of Management and Organization, DOI:
  65. Shukla, M., Tyagi, D., & Pandey, J. (2024). Safety “works”: the influence of safety coaching on work engagement. Management Decision, DOI:
  66. Sharma, A., Jayasimha, K.R., & Srivastava, H.S. (2024). Consumer’s Re-Participation in Online Flash Sale after Service Failure: A Moderated-Mediation Study. Journal of Global Marketing, DOI:[ ]
  67. Jaiswal, V., & Thaker, K. (2024). Studying research in balanced scorecard over the years in performance management systems: a bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, DOI:
  68. Jain, S., & Raithatha, M. (2024). Founder ownership concentration and risk disclosures: an emerging economy view. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, DOI:
  69. Jose, J., Chully, A.A., & Thomas, N. (2024). Walking an extra mile: Determinants of organizational citizenship behavior—An exploratory study in faith-based organizations. Social Science Quarterly, DOI:
  70. Behera, R.K., Bala, P.K., Panigrahi, P.K., & Dasgupta, S.A. (2023). Adoption of cognitive computing decision support system in the assessment of health-care policymaking. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, DOI:
  71. Salwan, P., & K, Nilesh (2024). Rajratan Global Wires: Expansion and International Location Choice. Journal of International Business Education. Publication Link
  72. Salwan, P., & Pandey, S. (2024). International Strategic Alliance Life Cycle: Reinvent or Exit. Journal of International Business Education. Publication Link
  73. Goel, G., & Dash, S.R. (2023). Household pandemic Internet search intensity and stock returns: A case of tourism industry resiliency. IIMB Management Review, DOI:
  74. Datta, J., Banerjee, S., & Dunson, D.B. (2024). Nonparametric Bayes multiresolution testing for high-dimensional rare events. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, DOI:
  75. Ingole, N., & Sohani, S.S. (2024). Concurrent Interplay of Entrepreneurs–Intermediaries–Stakeholders in Emerging Economies at Different Phases of Entrepreneurial Process. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, DOI:
  76. Sengupta, A., Chattopadhyay, S., & Serletis, A. (2023). Structural change and unbalanced economic growth in open developing economies. Journal of Economics and Finance, DOI:
  77. Mondal, R., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2023). Jobless Growth in the Informal Sector The ‘Unemployment Kuznets Curve’ in India. Economic and Political Weekly, Publication Link
  78. Bapat, S.R. (2023). Capturing asymmetry in COVID-19 counts using an improved skewness measure for time series data. MethodsX, DOI:
  79. Joshi, N., Bapat, S.R., & Sengupta, R.N. (2024). Optimal estimation of reliability parameter for inverse Pareto distribution with application to insurance data. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, DOI:
  80. Barhoi, P., & Dayal, S. (2024). Adivasi women temporary workers in tea gardens and the Covid-19 pandemic. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, DOI:
  81. Ravisankar, J., Mishra, S.K., Garg, S., Thomas, N., & Kumar, K.K. (2023). Exploring the drivers and facets of culture in the formative stage of a public-funded R&D organisation. IIMB Management Review, DOI:
  82. Nivethitha, S., Vaijayanthee, A., & Srinivasan, S. (Accepted). Uncovering the factors influencing employees’ intention to quit in hospitality industry. International Journal of Enterprise Network Management.
  83. Salwan, P., & Wind, Y. (2024). Foreign Direct Investment: A Value Proposition Framework. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(3). Publication Link 
  84. Kodwani, A.D., Upadhyay, A.Y.A., & S.H. Mehdi (Accepted). Hindustan Petroleum Co. Ltd.: Creating an Inclusive Workplace has been accepted for publication. Ivey Publishing, Publication Link
  85. Maitra, D., Harlalka, D., & Khator, P. (2024). HDFC Life: Free Cash Flow Valuation. Ivey Publishing, Publication Link
  86. Raman, G.V.Saripalli, B.S., Ju, H., Velamuri, R. (2023). Fugumobile: Setting Up a Local Digital Marketing Company in China. Ivey Publishing, Publication Link
  87. Vardhan, A., Bhardwaj, P., Garg, S., & Pandey, J. (2023). EatSure: Bringing Surety From the Clouds. Ivey Publishing, Publication Link
  88. Thomas, N.Swatantra, Johnson, I. (2023). Camncloud: Hiring Impasse in a Start-Up. Ivey Publishing, Publication Link
  89. Shandilya, M.M., Upadhyay, P., & Panigrahi, P.K. (2023). BYD Cars in India: Can They Make a Dent?. Ivey Publishing, Publication Link
  90. Upadhyay, P., Puri, S., Ningombam, S., & Panigrahi, P.K. (2024). Naara Aaba: Expansion Dilemma of a Social Entrepreneurship. Ivey Publishing, Publication Link
  91. Routray, S.Panigrahi, P.K., & Tiwary, P. (2024). Digitalization of Direct Lending Process at SIDBI: A Step toward Hyperautomation. Ivey Publication, Publication Link
  92. Salwan, P., & Pandey, S. (2023). Air India: Positioning for Success?. HBS Publication, Publication Link
  93. Salwan, P., Pandey, S. & Narsia, S. (2024). Deliver: The Right Approach to Revenue Share. HBS Publication, Publication Link
  94. Salwan, P., Pandey, S. & Narsia, S. (2024). Deliver: The Right Approach to Value Creation. HBS Publication, Publication Link
  95. Vigneashwaran, K., & Kapoor, R. (2024). Universal Indane: Managing Inventory Flows and Beyond. Ivey Publication, Publication Link
  96. Kumar, S. (2024). AbhiCure: Delivering Health Services with Technology. Ivey Publishing, Publication Link
  97. Bhardwaj, S., Sharma, S., & Rishi, B. (2024). Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited: Employee Data Conundrum. Ivey Publication, Publication Link
  98. Bhardwaj, S., & Sharma, S. (2024). Kochi Metro Rail Limited: A Transgender Inclusive Workplace. Ivey Publication, Publication Link