The Ministry of Shipping encompasses within its fold shipping and ports sectors which include shipbuilding and ship-repair, major ports, national waterways, and inland water transport. Ministry of Shipping has been entrusted with the responsibility to formulate policies and programmes on these subjects and their implementation.
Indian Ports Association (IPA) was constituted in 1966 under Societies Registration Act, primarily with the idea of fostering growth and development of all Major Ports which are under the supervisory control of Ministry of Shipping.
Explore MoreThe Directorate General of Shipping is an attached office of the Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India and deals with all executive matters, relating to merchant shipping.
Explore MoreIMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
Explore MoreShipping Corporation of India- India’s premier shipping line which operates one-third of country’s tonnage.
Explore MoreA national perspective plan for the comprehensive development of India’s coastline and maritime sector.
Explore MoreA publication for Indian shipping and logistics industry.
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