idAnIm – The Film and Theatre Fraternity at IIM Indore
||| idAnim at the present moment ( Sanskrit ) |||
idAnIm tries to promote the theatre culture and appreciation of world cinema, and also tries to bring in the best of the world on screen/stage right in front of the IIM audience. To this effect, it organizes drama screenings, workshops, movie making events, movie festivals and movie quizzes.
“Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. For yesterday is but a dream And tomorrow is only a vision But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness And tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn.”
–Kalidasa(Greatest poet and dramatist in the Sanskrit language from Ujjain)
- Kalidasa (Greatest poet and dramatist in the Sanskrit language from Ujjain)Keeping this in mind as most of the PGP participants come here to spend two years of life in a college environment, idAnIm tries to make their life as fun learning and memorable as possible. Participants take part in various extra-curricular competitions and workshops that idAnIm arranges for. Having the advantage of a very diverse student profile means that some of the participants have in fact performed in a professional capacity. This means that the quality of the work and its appreciation tend to be high, while it also provides an ideal opportunity for the other participants to learn and grow with fun from their own friends.
Apart from theatre and drama activities idAnIm is also responsible for screening of various sports events etc. in wide screen like cricket or football match. All in all it provides the necessary feel good factor that the participants experience by getting involved in the non-academic activities. It also acts as a stress reliever from the regular academics. Hence it contributes in a big way in making these two years of a participant’s stay at IIM Indore pretty memorable.
Secretary – idAnIm
Hatim BootwalaIndian Institute of Management, Indore
Prabandh Shikhar, Rau-Pithampur Road,
Indore – 453 331
Madhya Pradesh, INDIA