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New Batches of EFPM and EFPMG Inaugurated at IIM Indore

IIM Indore welcomed the new batches of the Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM – 13th Batch) and Executive Fellow Programme in Management & Governance (EFPMG – 3rd Batch) on July 20, 2023. The batches were inaugurated by Prof. Himanshu Rai, Director, IIM Indore. Dr. Arup Varma, Professor of Human Resource Management, Loyola University Chicago, and Distinguished University Research Professor; Frank W. Considine Chair in Applied Ethics, was the Chief Guest on occasion. Brigadier Nilesh Khare, Army War College Mhow, was the Guest of Honour.

In his welcome address, Prof. Rai highlighted that IIM Indore’s “Triple Crown” accreditation is a promise that goes beyond just imparting knowledge. “The institute aims to create, curate, practice, and disseminate knowledge, recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach to education”, he said. He emphasized IIM Indore’s contextual relevance and that the courses offered are aligned with the needs of the industry, and the world. He specifically mentioned EFPMG as one such programme that addresses real-world challenges in collaboration with administrative and army training bodies. Prof. Rai also mentioned the institute’s dedication to being world-class in all aspects. This includes top-notch facilities, robust databases, and an exceptional pedagogy that leverages the wisdom of faculty members. He also spoke about the establishment of the recently inaugurated Centre of Excellence – ANVESHAN, at the institute, which has provided a platform to address water, sanitation, and hygiene issues in the country. “The institute will provide training to 4800 ULBs in the country and has received a grant of Rs. 19.95 crores from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. It will also mentor and guide the youth who wish to establish their startup in the field of sanitation and cleanliness, thereby enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit”, he added. He advised the new batch to follow the Be-Know-Do framework. “Be compassionate. Know your true identity. Do the right thing”, he said. He explained that we need to be compassionate towards ourselves and everyone around us. Additionally, we need to ensure that we identify who we are and not draw our identity from our designations. “Make sure you do the right thing – know why you are doing a particular thing or making a decision”, he said.

Dr. Arup Varma shared insights on the importance of continuous learning and how programmes like EFPM and EFPMG offered by IIM Indore could augment the knowledge and expertise of participants, particularly the serving army officers, in making valuable contributions to the Indian defense system. He highlighted the contextual relevance of courses, addressing global needs, exemplified by the EFPM and EFPMG programme’s problem-solving approach in collaboration with army training bodies. He urged the new batch to let their work speak for itself, learn from each other, and remain humble. “Think from your heart, fostering passion in your work, and choose research topics you are genuinely interested in”, he said. Prof. Varma stressed making the best use of resources and engaging in meaningful student interactions, emphasizing the abundant learning opportunities at IIM Indore.

Brigadier Nilesh Khare also highlighted the relevance of these programmes for the armed forces, as they provide a platform for officers to enhance their managerial and leadership skills while pursuing research in their areas of interest under the guidance of IIM Indore’s distinguished faculty members. He also emphasized the significance of fostering a collaborative environment between academia and industry practitioners to enrich the participants’ learning experiences. “Leadership is a combination of doing the right thing and doing it right”, he said. He provided an overview of the Army War College and the diverse range of courses it offers. He encouraged the participants to embrace a continuous learning approach, emphasizing the importance of learning, unlearning, and relearning the necessary skills to propel the nation forward through the course.?

Prof. Manish Popli, the Programme Coordinator, extended a warm welcome to the new batch of participants, providing them with valuable insights into the programme’s curriculum and core subjects. He emphasized the institute’s belief in the enrichment that industry practitioners bring to the classrooms, ensuring that EFPM and EFPMG empower India to navigate the dynamic global landscape and emerge as a stronger force in the years to come.

This year, 19 participants have registered for EFPM, while 6 participants have enrolled in EFPMG.