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Faculty Publications 2018-19

Faculty Publications 2018-19

  1. Das, M., Sharma, A., & Babu, S. C. (2018). Pathways from agriculture-to-nutrition in India: implications for sustainable development goals. Food Security, 10(6), 1561-1576. [ ]
  2. Sharma, A. (2018). A note on Stackelberg equilibrium in duopoly: Strategic use of corporate social responsibility. Economics Bulletin, 38(4), 1720-1726. []
  3. Kodwani, A., Jha and Prashar (2018). Buy or Make: Recruitment Challenge at Somany Ceramics. Ivey Publication, []
  4. Shah, B. J., and Ravichandran, N. (2018), “Bharat Footwear Limited Discount Coupons”, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.
  5. Kumar, B. (2018). Jakson: Evolution of a Brand. Ivey Publication, []
  6. Panigrahi, P. K., & Swain, B. (2018). State Treasury Management System: A Case of Sustainability. NeilsonJournals Publishing. [ ]
  7. Sethia, D. (2018). Interregional Fiscal Flows and Horizontal Fiscal Equalization in India, 2001-2015. Can. Tax J., 66, 511. [[@]/FR/Library/Research_Centre.aspx ]
  8. Sethia, D. (2018). Re-examining vertical sharing and horizontal distribution of fiscal resources in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 53(50), 41-49. []
  9. Sahasranamam, S., & Raman, G. V. (2018). Individual resources, property rights and entrepreneurship in China. International Journal of Emerging Markets. [ ]
  10. Nidugala, G. K., & Shulka, R. (2018). Bajaj Auto Limited: Trouble with the Argentine Peso. Ivey Publication, []
  11. Chauhan, G. S. (2018). Tata Equity P/E Mutual Fund: Performance Measurement and Attribution. Ivey Publication, []
  12. Sridhar, I. (2018). Duties of directors in corporate governance: an Indian perspective. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 17(4), 442-454. [ ]
  13. Swain, B. (2019). Book Review: “Discrimination against the Mentally Ill”. Indore Management Journal, []
  14. Mehta, A., & Bhattacharya, J. (2018). Financial sector development and the poor in developing countries: revisiting the access to finance channel. Theoretical & Applied Economics, 25(3). [ ]
  15. Mukherjee, K., & Bhatta, N. M. K. (2018). Bridging the Rural-Urban Divide in Developing Countries: SBI Youth for India Model. NeilsonJournals Publishing. []
  16. Mukherjee, K. (2018). Free Basics: Fragmenting the Internet or Digital Inclusion. Journal of International Business and Education, []
  17. Dayal, M., & Tripathi, S. (2018). Teaching Interactive Recommender Systems – Recommending an Excel Based Approach. Journal of International Business Education, []
  18. Gada, V. P., & Popli, M. (2018). Product and geographic scopes of target firm and equity control in cross?border acquisitions: An information asymmetry perspective. Strategic Change, 27(4), 351-358. [ ]
  19. Katti, S., & Raithatha, M. (2018). Governance practices and agency cost in emerging market: Evidence from India. Managerial and Decision Economics, 39(6), 712-732. [ ]
  20. Raithatha, M., & Haldar, A. (2021). Are internal governance mechanisms efficient? The case of a developing economy. IIMB Management Review, 33(3), 191-204. []
  21. Thomas, N. & Nambudiri, A. G. (2018). Scaling Up by Scaling Back. Ivey Publication, []
  22. Chakrabarti, P., & Kotha, K. K. (2018). Options Order Flow, Volatility Demand and Variance Risk Premium. Multinational Finance Journal, 21(2), 49-90. []
  23. Naraparaju, K. (2018). Unemployment Spells in India: Patterns, Trends, and Covariates. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 60(4), 625-646. [ ]
  24. Gupta, S., Palsule-Desai, O. D., Gnanasekaran, C., & Ravilla, T. (2018). Spillover effects of mission activities on revenues in nonprofit health care: the case of Aravind Eye Hospitals, India. Journal of marketing research, 55(6), 884-899. [ ]
  25. Panigrahi, P. K., & Swain, B. (2018). State Treasury Management System: A Case of Sustainability. NeilsonJournals Publishing. [ ]
  26. Singh, J., & Panigrahi, P. K. (2018). Acceptance of open learning resources: Perspectives of higher education students in India. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 21(2), pp80-93. [ ]
  27. Trivedi, S. K., & Panigrahi, P. K. (2018). Spam classification: a comparative analysis of different boosted decision tree approaches. Journal of Systems and Information Technology. [ ]
  28. Chhajer, R., Rose, E. L., & Joseph, T. (2018). Role of self-efficacy, optimism and job engagement in positive change: Evidence from the middle east. Vikalpa, 43(4), 222-235. [ ]
  29. Chaudhry, H., Gupta, S., Nargundkar, R., & Chauhan, A. (2018). Evidence of disillusionment of younger cohorts in higher education in India. Journal of Education, 198(2), 146-154. [ ]
  30. Sinha, R. K., & Adhikari, A. (2018). Buyer-seller amount-price equilibrium for prepaid services: Implication for promotional pricing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 44, 285-292. [ ]
  31. Kaushik, K., Mishra, R., Rana, N. P., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2018). Exploring reviews and review sequences on e-commerce platform: A study of helpful reviews on Amazon. in. Journal of retailing and Consumer Services, 45, 21-32. [ ]
  32. Anantharaman, S. K., & Kapoor, R. (2018). Six Sigma Deployment at Tata Communications Limited, India – A Case Study. Operations Management Education Review, [ ]
  33. Datta, S., & Kapoor, R. (2018). Aptech Limited: Hedging Uncertainty and Achieving Service Excellence. Operations Management Education Review, [ ]
  34. Datta, S. & Kapoor, R. (2018). Shakti’s Kitchen Private Limited: Driving Growth in an Uncertain World.
  35. Mandal, S., Sahay, A., & Tripathi, S. (2018). Yes, I Can Or” No, I Can’t”-Effect of Extraneous Affirmation-and Negation-Evoking Contexts on Brand Recall Memory: the Role of Semantic Activations. ACR North American Advances. [ ]
  36. Dayal, M., & Tripathi, S. (2018). Teaching Interactive Recommender Systems – Recommending an Excel Based Approach. Journal of International Business Education, []
  37. Chandra, S., Ghosh, D., & Nimje, S. (2018). Roadblocks to sustainable logistics in India’s auto industry. Supply Chain Management Review. [ ]
  39. Ha, M. J., Banerjee, S., Akbani, R., Liang, H., Mills, G. B., Do, K. A., & Baladandayuthapani, V. (2018). Personalized integrated network modeling of the cancer proteome atlas. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-14. [ ]
  40. Tewari, S., & Mahapatra, G. P. (2018). Social Neuroscience and HR: An Introductory Perspective. NHRD Network Journal, 11(4), 6-13. [ ]
  41. Sengupta, A., & Rastogi, S. K. (2018). US-China trade war data: Truth and post-truth. World Economics, 19(4), 189-212. [ ]
  42. Srikanth, M., Saravanan, P. & Gunta, S. (2018). Natco Pharma: Manufacturing Affordable Medicines. Ivey Publication, []
  43. Chittawar, M. and Gunta, S. (2018), “Learning from another SBU: strategizing growth at SEE-Tech”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 8 No. 4.
  44. Chattopadhyay, S. (2018). Investment and wage gap in India: a general equilibrium analysis. Indian Growth and Development Review. []
  45. Mishra, B. K., & Rastogi, S. (2018). Colonial Deindustrialisation of India: A Review of Drain Theory. South Asian Survey, 24(1), 37-53. [ ]
  46. Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2018). The Role of Theoretical Breadth and Student Engagement in the Use of Case Methods in Marketing Pedagogy. e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching, 12(2), 78-91. [ ]
  47. Sudhir, S. (2018). Rumors in organizational communication: a nightmare for HR managers. Human Resource Management International Digest. [ ]
  48. Bhattacharya, U. K. (2018). Solving k-obnoxious facility location problem on a plane. Transportation Management, 1(2). [ ]
  49. Chakravarty, U. (2018). Exploring Literary Multilingualism in Indian Diasporic Writing. In FORUM FOR WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES (Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 528-552). [ ]
  50. Chand, G. & Chakravarty, U. (2018). Negotiating Identity & Hadoti Speakers in English Language Teaching Institutes. English Language Teaching, []
  51. U.K. Bhattacharya (2018). Teaching Linear Programming. Industrial Engineering Journal, []
  52. Gupta, A., Dash, S., & Mishra, A. (2019). All that glitters is not green: Creating trustworthy ecofriendly services at green hotels. Tourism Management, 70, 155-169. [ ]
  53. Mishra, A., & Gupta, A. (2019). Green hotel servicescape: attributes and unique experiences. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(20), 2566-2578. [ ]
  54. Maheshwari, A., & Vellaisamy, P. (2019). Non-homogeneous space-time fractional Poisson processes. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 37(2), 137-154. [ ]
  55. Sharma, A., & Pal, R. (2019). Nash equilibrium in tax and public investment competition. International Review of Economics & Finance, 62, 106-120. [ ]
  56. Pal, R., & Sharma, A. (2019). Preferences over Public Good, Political Delegation, and Leadership in Tax Competition. Public Finance Review, 47(4), 718-746. [ ]
  57. Phadnis, A., & Gupta, A. (2019). The politics of farm loan waivers: A comparative study. Economic and Political Weekly, 54(23), 50-56. [ ]
  58. Nayak, A. K., & Pattnaik, B. K. (2019). SHG s and SHG Banking in Odisha. Asian Journal of Social Science, 47(1), 110-139. [ ]
  59. Kodwani, A. D., & Prashar, S. (2019). Exploring the influence of pre-training factors on training effectiveness-moderating role of trainees’ reaction: a study in the public sector in India. Human Resource Development International, 22(3), 283-304. [ ]
  60. Mishra, P., & Kodwani, A. D. (2019). Moderating role of employee engagement on conflict–politics relationship. Benchmarking: An International Journal. [ ]
  61. Bhaskar, K., & Kumar, B. (2019). Electronic waste management and sustainable development goals: Is there a business case for linking the two?. Journal of Indian Business Research. [ ]
  62. Dash, S. R., & Maitra, D. (2019). The relationship between emerging and developed market sentiment: A wavelet-based time-frequency analysis. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, 135-150. [ ]
  63. Arrawatia, R., Dawar, V., Maitra, D., & Dash, S. R. (2019). Asset quality determinants of Indian banks: Empirical evidence and policy issues. Journal of Public Affairs, 19(4), e1937. [ ]
  64. Roy, D. (2019). Illicit Motherhood: Recrafting Postcolonial Feminist Resistance in Edna O’Brien’s The Love Object and Jhumpa Lahiri’s Hell-Heaven. Humanities, 8(1), 29. [ ]
  65. Chauhan, G. S. (2019). Performance attribution of mutual funds in India: outperformance or mis?representation?. Accounting & Finance, 59, 383-409. [ ]
  66. Chauhan, G. S. (2019). Are working capital decisions truly short-term in nature?. Journal of Business Research, 99, 238-253. [ ]
  67. Gupta, M., Pandey, J., Gaur, J., & Vohra, N. (2019). Preface to Research on Role of Technology in Workforce Management. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 23. [ ]
  68. Nidugala, G. K., & Pant, A. (2019). The Indian Banking Sector, 2017: Public policy challenges. Ivey Publication, []
  69. Pandey, J., & Singh, M. (2019). Positive religious coping as a mechanism for enhancing job satisfaction and reducing work-family conflict: a moderated mediation analysis. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 16(3), 314-338. [ ]
  70. Sharma, M., Pandey, J., & Sinha, A. (2019). Psychological Contract Breach and Voluntary Behavioral Outcomes: A Moderated-Mediation Model. South Asian Journal of Management, 26(1), 7-31. []
  71. R. L. Shankar, Ganesh Sankar & Kumar K. Kiran (2019). Mispricing in Single Stock Futures: Empirical Examination of Indian Markets, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,
    55:7, 1619-1633, [ ]
  72. Kumar, S. M., & Jayasimha, K. R. (2019). Brand verbs: brand synonymity and brand leadership. Journal of Brand Management, 26(2), 110-125. []
  73. Chakravorty, S., Chandrasekhar, S. and Naraparaju, K. (2019). Land Distribution, Income Generation and Inequality in India’s Agricultural Sector. Review of Income and Wealth, 65: S182-S203. [ ]
  74. Pandey, A., & Guhathakurta, K. (2019). Nonperforming loan auction: Prudent policy response or earnings management?. Journal of Public Affairs, 19(4), e1936. [ ]
  75. Ramana, L. V. (2019). Perspective on Underpricing of IPOs in Emerging Economies. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 18(1_suppl), S87–S101. [ ]
  76. Chhabra, A, & Popli, M. (2019). Impact of top management team sociodemographic faultlines on speed of foreign direct investment expansion: An emerging market perspective. Strategic Change, 28: 209– 215. [ ]
  77. Khandeparkar, K., & Motiani, M. (2019). Determinants of affect versus cognition: A review on evaluation of humorous ads. Indore Management Journal [ ]
  78. Raithatha, M., & Shaw, T. S. (2019). Do Family Firms Choose Conservative Accounting Practices?. The International Journal of Accounting, 54(04), 1950014. [ ]
  79. Thomas, N., Randolph, A., & Marin, A. (2019). A network view of entrepreneurial cognition in corporate entrepreneurship contexts: A socially situated approach. Management Decision. [ ]
  80. Thomas, N. (2019). Two aspects of knowledge transfer: what every manager should know about using analogy and narrative. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal. [ ]
  81. Thomas, N., Thomas, A. & Johnson, I. (2019) ATREE: Social Entrepreneurship in Vembanad. Ivey Publication, []
  82. Tarkar, P., Dhamija, S., & Singh, P. (2019). A mediation effect of job satisfaction and affective commitment in relationship between passion and work intentions after retirement. Vision, 23(2), 197-207. [ ]
  83. Srivastava, S. K., & Panigrahi, P. K. (2019). Social participation among the elderly: Moderated mediation model of information and communication technology (ICT). Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 44(1), 33. [ ]
  84. Ray, S., & Panigrahi, P. K. (2019). Defining Dimensions for Assessing Sustainability in e?Governance Projects. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 22(1), pp15-28. [ ]
  85. Bhattacharya, A., & Banerjee, P. (2019). An empirical analysis of audit pricing and auditor selection: evidence from India. Managerial Auditing Journal. [ ]
  86. Deb, S. G., Mishra, S., & Banerjee, P. (2019). Stock market, banking sector and economic growth: A cross-country analysis over different economic cycles. Studies in Economics and Finance. [ ]
  87. Banerjee, P., De, S., & Leshchinskii, D. (2019). Has Higher Institutional Participation Led to Lower Insider Ownership and Superior Post-Merger Performance in India?. International Journal of Business, 24(2), 151-181. []
  88. Salwan, P., Jain, H., & Bhatta, NMK. (2019). State Bank of India’s Osaka Experience. Journal of International Business Education [ ]
  89. Mukhoti, S., & Ranjan, P. (2019). A new class of discrete-time stochastic volatility model with correlated errors. Applied Economics, 51(3), 259-277. [ ]
  90. Bhattacharjee, N. V., Ranjan, P., Mandal, A., & Tollner, E. W. (2019). A history matching approach for calibrating hydrological models. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 26(1), 87-105. [ ]
  91. Nilakantan, R., Iyengar, D., & Rao, S. (2019). On operations and marketing in microfinance-backed enterprises: Structural embeddedness and enterprise viability. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. [ ]
  92. Nilakantan, R. (2019). Public Expenditure Allocation and Economic Growth: Evidence from Indian States. International Journal of Development and Conflict, [ ]
  93. Nilakantan, R. (2019). Attendance and Exam Performance: Evidence from Graduate Economics Students in India. The Empirical Economics Letters, [ ]
  94. Nilakantan, R. (2019). A Hedonic Analysis of the Indian Television Industry. The Empirical Economics Letters, []
  95. Ambekar, S., & Kapoor, R. (2019). Optimization of inventory policies of food grain distribution stage in public distribution system. Benchmarking: An International Journal. [ ]
  96. Ambekar, S., Kapoor, R., Prakash, A., & Patyal, V. S. (2019). Motives, processes and practices of sustainable sourcing: a literature review. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing. [ ]
  97. Mahapatra, S., Ramani, A. T. P., & Kulkarni, A. D. (2019). Must have or nice to have. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. [ ]
  98. Mahapatra, S. (2019). Smartphone addiction and associated consequences: Role of loneliness and self-regulation. Behaviour & Information Technology, 38(8), 833-844. [ ]
  99. Mahapatra, S. & NMK Bhatta. (2019). GAD: Channel Management. ET Cases,
  100. Saripalli, B.S., Chawan, V. and Gunta, S. (2019). Empowering subsistence women entrepreneurs in India: Insights from Lijjat, Mulukanoor and MPWPCL. Society and Business Review, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 71-92. [ ]
  101. Chanda, S. S., & Miller, K. D. (2019). Replicating agent-based models: Revisiting March’s exploration–exploitation study. Strategic Organization, 17(4), 425-449. [ ]
  102. Dash, S. R., & Maitra, D. (2019). The relationship between emerging and developed market sentiment: A wavelet-based time-frequency analysis. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, 135-150. [ ]
  103. Arrawatia, R., Dawar, V., Maitra, D., & Dash, S. R. (2019). Asset quality determinants of Indian banks: Empirical evidence and policy issues. Journal of Public Affairs, 19(4), e1937. [ ]
  104. Banerjee, S., Akbani, R., & Baladandayuthapani, V. (2019). Spectral clustering via sparse graph structure learning with application to proteomic signaling networks in cancer. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 132, 46-69. [ ]
  105. Hopkins, N., Reicher, S., Stevenson, C., Pandey, K., Shankar, S., & Tewari, S. (2019). Social relations in crowds: Recognition, validation and solidarity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(6), 1283-1297. [ ]
  106. Mahalingam, R., Jagannathan, S., & Selvaraj, P. (2019). Decasticization, dignity, and ‘dirty work’at the intersections of caste, memory, and disaster. Business Ethics Quarterly, 29(2), 213-239. [ ]
  107. Saripalli, B. S., Chawan, V., & Gunta, S. (2019). Empowering subsistence women entrepreneurs in India: Insights from Lijjat, Mulukanoor and MPWPCL. Society and Business Review. [ ]
  108. Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2019). Role of affect in marketplace rumor propagation. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. [ ]
  109. Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2019). Marketplace rumor sharing among young consumers: the role of anxiety and arousal. Young Consumers. [ ]
  110. Mukhoti, S., & Ranjan, P. (2019). A new class of discrete-time stochastic volatility model with correlated errors. Applied Economics, 51(3), 259-277. [ ]
  111. Smale, A., Bagdadli, S., Cotton, R., Dello Russo, S., Dickmann, M., Dysvik, A., … & Unite, J. (2019). Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1), 105-122. [ ]
  112. Tomer, G., & Mishra, S. K. (2019). Expectation from technology and career satisfaction: A study among IT professionals in India. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 23. [ ]
  113. Roopak, K., Mishra, S. K., & Sikarwar, E. (2019). Linking leader–follower proactive personality congruence to creativity. Personnel Review. [ ]
  114. Garg, S., & Mahapatra, D. (2019). Hybrid annuity model: Hamming risk allocations in Indian highway public–private partnerships. Journal of Public Affairs, 19(1), e1890. [ ]
  115. Chakravarty, U., & Chand, G. (2019). Analyzing Book Reviews Within Indian Narrative Tradition. IUP Journal of English Studies, 14(4). [ ]
  116. Chhabra, I. Gupta, S. & Gupta, V. K. (2019). A study of progress and changes on the disinvestment policy in India. Indian Journal of Economics & Business, [ ]
  117. Goyal, V., & Mishra, P. (2019). Evaluating channel partner’s performance: impact of task environments on the relevance of measurement metrics. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. [ ]
  118. Saripalli, B. S., Chawan, V., & Gunta, S. (2019). Empowering subsistence women entrepreneurs in India: Insights from Lijjat, Mulukanoor and MPWPCL. Society and Business Review. [ ]
  119. Yousaf, A., Mishra, A., & Bashir, M. (2020). Brand trust, institutional commitment, and their impact on student loyalty: evidence for higher education in India. Studies in Higher Education, 45(4), 878-891. [ ]
  120. Yousaf, A., Bashir, M., & Mishra, A. (2020). Revisiting spectator-based sports team reputation: strategic implications for team managers. Corporate Reputation Review, 23(1), 1-12. []
  121. Nayak, A. K., & Panigrahi, P. K. (2020). Participation in Self-Help Groups and Empowerment of Women: A Structural Model Analysis. The Journal of Developing Areas, 54(1). [ ]
  122. Kapoor, P. S., Jayasimha, K. R., Sadh, A., & Gunta, S. (2020). eWOM via social networking site: source versus message credibility. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 14(1), 19-47. [ ]
  123. Jawed, M. S., & Kotha, K. K. (2020). Stock liquidity and firm value: Evidence from a policy experiment in India. International Review of Finance, 20(1), 215-224. [ ]
  124. Katti, S., & Raithatha, M. (2020). Impact of venture capital investment on firm performance: An Indian evidence. Global Business Review, 21(4), 1011-1024. [ ]
  125. Thomas, N., & Bhatnagar, D., (2020). Managing change at queens: People and technology issues. In SAGE Business Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd.,
  126. Nayak, A. K., & Panigrahi, P. K. (2020). Participation in Self-Help Groups and Empowerment of Women: A Structural Model Analysis. The Journal of Developing Areas, 54(1). []
  127. Garg, S., & Tripathi, S. (2020). Indiahikes: Treading the untrodden trail. Ivey Publication, []
  128. Tewari, S. & Gupta, A. (2020). Pre-suasion: a revolutionary way to influence and persuade. Journal of Marketing Communications, 26:4, 454-456 [ ]
  129. Jagannathan, S., Bawa, A., & Rai, R. (2020). Narrative worlds of frugal consumers: Unmasking romanticized spirituality to reveal responsibilization and de-politicization. Journal of business ethics, 161(1), 149-168. [ ]
  130. Kapoor, P. S., Jayasimha, K. R., Sadh, A., & Gunta, S. (2020). eWOM via social networking site: source versus message credibility. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 14(1), 19-47. [ ]
  131. Kaše, R., Dries, N., Briscoe, J. P., Cotton, R. D., Apospori, E., Bagdadli, S., … & Fei, Z. (2020). Career success schemas and their contextual embeddedness: A comparative configurational perspective. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(3), 422-440. [ ]
  132. Garg, S. & Tripathi, S. (2020). Indiahikes: Treading the untrodden trail. Ivey Publication, []
  133. Mendhurwar, S., & Mishra, R. (2021). Integration of social and IoT technologies: architectural framework for digital transformation and cyber security challenges. Enterprise Information Systems, 15(4), 565-584. [ ]
  134. Debata, B., Dash, S. R., & Mahakud, J. (2021). Monetary policy and liquidity: Does investor sentiment matter?. IIMB Management Review. [ ]
  135. Anand, P., & Mishra, S. K. (2021). Linking core self-evaluation and emotional exhaustion with workplace loneliness: does high LMX make the consequence worse?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(10), 2124-2149. [ ]