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Executive Programme in Healthcare Management (EPHM) Batch 03

Executive Programme in Healthcare Management (EPHM) Batch 03

Associate for Technical and Student Support:

TimesPro, A Division of Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.

 Online Enquiry

Programme Overview

This programme is designed specifically for medical professionals and administrators, professionals associated with healthcare and allied sectors, including allied healthcare service providers, to provide them a comprehensive understanding of healthcare management.  This programme aims to equip healthcare professionals with important healthcare management practices, HR practices, strategies, finance and accounting concepts and analytical skills which are relevant in all aspects of effective healthcare management.

At the end of the programme, it is expected that participants will have sound knowledge of healthcare management which they can use for effective management of healthcare activities and decision making.

Healthcare sector in India has shown a profound growth over the past decade. Expectations of the people for good quality healthcare services in the Government run healthcare services is increasing.  Healthcare professionals play a very important role in the delivery of healthcare services. In India’s healthcare set-up, these professionals tend to lack expertise in contemporary healthcare management practices. Lake of relevant management practices knowledge hinders the services and management decision.

Healthcare and allied healthcare professionals in general have never had a formal chance to study management practises as it has never been a subject that has been taught in their core academic curriculum. Apart from multi-speciality health care facility, it is an important parameter that a successful healthcare service system is set.

IIM Indore will engage a reputed healthcare service provider for providing training on the technical medical issues and practises.

Programme USP

The Post Graduate Certificate programme on Healthcare Management for professionals in medical, healthcare and allied fields specifically designed around the deliverables for enhancing management skills of the professionals. The objective of this programme is to equip these professionals with the necessary healthcare management skills.

Programme Contents

  • Finance and Accounting in Healthcare
  • Strategy and Entrepreneurship
  • Business Ethics in Healthcare
  • Managing Behaviour in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Management
  • Issues in Healthcare (Global And Domestic)
  • Operation Excellence
  • Data Analytics & Simulations

Industry Insights

  • Pandemic And Dr Reddy’S Laboratories Scm Lessons
  • Pharma Marketing : Moving Beyond Drugs
  • BAYER :The Legacy of World-class Healthcare

Note: Medium of instruction: English,Modules/ topics are indicative only, and the suggested time and sequence may be dropped/ modified/adapted to fit the participant profile & programme hours

Duration & Number of Session Hours

Duration: 12 Months

Number of Hours: Approx. 135

On-campus module of 3 days duration: 12 sessions

One or two sessions from some of the courses will become part of the on-campus orientation module. In case the on-campus module is not conducted due to Covid situation, the same will be included in the total number of sessions.

*The programme duration may be slightly extended due to the issues like faculty unavailability and gazetted holidays on the session days.


The pedagogy will be a judicious mix of lectures, async, case discussions, project work, term papers, and assignments etc.


The performance of participants will be monitored on a continuous evaluation basis through quizzes, assignments, tests, and examinations. The participant is required to score minimum marks/grades as decided by the Institute from time to time to complete the course.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Professionals and entrepreneurs associated with healthcare and allied healthcare sectors with 3 years of domain experience, aspiring to move into management roles.
  • Applicants should be working professionals/entrepreneurs
  • Diploma (10+2+3)/Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent (10+2+3 or 10+2+4) from a recognized university or institution or institution (UGC/AICTE/DEC/AIU/State government) in any discipline with minimum 50% aggregate marks of all the years.
  • Minimum 03 years of work experience post completion of qualifying education
  • *Internships and Trainee experiences are not considered as Full-time work experience


Successful Completion Certificate by IIM Indore in a valedictory ceremony to be held on the campus.

* Sample certificate is indicative. The Institute reserves the right to revise it. 

**The Completion certificate will only be awarded to participants who complete the programme evaluation and attendance criteria. 

How the Courses will be Delivered:

Courses will be delivered through on-line mode using an appropriate technology Synchronized platform.  Lectures will be delivered through broadband based technology involving two-way audio and video communication. Sessions will be held once in a week, generally on weekends. Participants can attend sessions directly from their desktop/laptop (Direct-2-device). Participants will be provided reading materials etc. for each course.  They may also interact with the concerned faculty through e-mails/ chat mode. Async content will be available on the learning platform to be consumed by the learners.

The academic sessions will start from March 2025. Sessions will be held on Sunday. The timing of the sessions:

First Session: 02:30 PM – 03:45 PM(IST)

Second Session: 04:00 PM – 05:15 PM(IST)

The time gap between two consecutive sessions is to give the participants a break. On some days, the classes may extend beyond the mentioned time. In addition to attending interactive sessions, participants have to undertake online quizzes, assignments, and examinations.

Programme Activity Timelines

Date for Academic Orientation March 2025
The date for 1st Session (Commencement of Programme Delivery) March 2025
Tentative Programme End Date March 2026

Total Fees and Payment Schedule*

Particulars Amount INR
Registration Fee/Application Fee 2500
at the time of admission (excluding GST) 82,500
10th June 2025          (excluding GST) 75,000
10th September 2025 (excluding GST) 75,000
10th December 2025 (excluding GST) 70,300
Total (Excluding bank charges of INR 5,300 & GST) 3,00,000/-
Overall, Fees (including GST @ 18% and Bank Charges of INR 5300 3,59,300/-

 * In case of participants paying fees via NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, Cheque, DD will get a waiver of 1.5% (upto INR 5300/-) on the Overall fees of INR 3,59,300/-.

 * In case a participant profile is rejected by Institute, INR 2,500/- of the application fee is non-refundable.

 *Exact Dates will be notified later.

Student Privileges

The participants who will complete the programme successfully will be eligible for the Executive Education Alumni status of IIM Indore.  They will require to apply separately along with the necessary fee to register their name. Current alumni membership plans are as follows:

  • 2-year membership – INR 1000/- + applicable taxes,
  • Lifetime membership – INR 10,000/- + applicable taxes,

Benefits available to Executive Education Alumni: 1) Communication of brochures and newsletters from IIM Indore, 2) Access to the IIM Indore Campus Library (onsite access only), 3) Official email ID of the institute.

Mere successful completion of the programme, application submission, and fee does not entitle a participant to be eligible for executive education alumni status. IIM Indore reserves the right to confer or withhold executive education alumni status.

IIM Indore reserves the right to modify the above conditions at its discretion at any time without notice.

Only the courts at Indore, India will have the territorial jurisdiction to try any disputes arising in respect of the Executive Alumni membership being granted.

Apply Now:

For more details contact:

Tel.: 0731-2439739 / 0731-2439735ss/0731-2439410

Please note that IIM Indore reserves the right to change the programme design, format, number of sessions, certificate format, terms in the programme or can incorporate any such change deemed necessary by the institute without prior intimation.