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Executive Management Programme (EMP)– Batch 02

Executive Management Programme (EMP)– Batch 02

Executive Management Programme (EMP)

Associate for Technical and Student Support:
TimesPro, A Division of Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.


Programme Overview

This programme is exclusively designed for working executives and entrepreneurs looking for major upskilling in management but finding it difficult to pursue a full-time programme. The classes will happen on the weekends (with a buffer provision of One hour on Wednesdays), which will provide flexibility to the participants to be engaged in their respective professions and, at the same time, to upgrade their knowledge base.

The Programme contains courses from various management functions and covers contextual concepts highly relevant to the existing business environment. The courses will be taught by experts in the domain and delivered through cutting-edge technology to ensure the learning outcomes.

Programme USP

  • Contextually designed for working executives.
  • The programme faculty team includes the best of the domain experts.
  • Focus on case-study approach.
  • Democratize the higher education targeting the professionals

Programme Contents

Term-I: Topic/Course Title*
·         Communication in an Organisational Context
·         Microeconomics for Managers
·         Financial Accounting
·         Statistics and Probability
·         Marketing Management-I
·         Operations Management
·         Perspectives on Individual Dimensions
·         Business Ethics and CSR
Term-II: Topic/Course Title*
·         Macroeconomic Environment and Policy
·         Financial System and Resources
·         Marketing Management – II
·         Operations Management – II
·         WAC and Presentation Skills
·         Perspectives on Group Dimensions
·         Information System for Managers
·         Strategic Management – I
·         Project
Term-III: Topic/Course Title*
·         Financial Management
·         Legal Aspects of Business
·         Human Resource Management
·         Supply Chain Management
·         Spreadsheet Modelling
·         Sustainability
·         Strategic Management – II
·         Marketing Research
·         Project
Term-IV: Topic/Course Title*
·         Eight Elective Courses
·         Project/Simulation
Term-V: Topic/Course Title*
·         Eight Elective Courses
·         Project/Simulation
Term-VI: Topic/Course Title*
·         Eight Elective Courses
·         Capstone Project
The Course content and schedule may be changed to suit the academic

learning process and needs.

 Note: Medium of instruction: English, Modules/ topics are indicative only, and the suggested time and sequence may be dropped/ modified/adapted to fit the participant profile & programme hours.

Duration & Number of Session Hours

Duration: Two Years

  • Total sessions (75 Minutes each): 720.
  • Number of hours: 900 hours
  • Combinations of online and offline sessions

One or two sessions from the courses will become part of the on-campus module. If the on-campus module is not conducted due to some exigencies, the same will be included in the total number of online sessions.

*The programme duration may be slightly extended due to issues like faculty unavailability, gazetted holidays on session days, etc.


The pedagogy will be a judicious mix of lectures, case discussions, project work, term papers, assignments, etc.


Course Instructors may use different components of evaluation like:


·         Class Participation

·         Quiz (announced or unannounced)

·         Take-home assignments

·         Term papers, paper critiques

·         Individual/Group Presentations

·         Oral examination (in special cases)

·         Mid-term examination; and

·         End-term examination, as per IIMI’s MS Programme


Successful Completion Certificate by IIM Indore in a valedictory ceremony to be held on the campus.

* Sample certificate is indicative. The Institute reserves the right to revise it.

**The Completion certificate will only be awarded to participants who complete the programme evalution and attendance criteria.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Minimum 2 Years full-time work experience, after graduation.
  • The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree, with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA, awarded by any University or educational institution as incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State legislature in India or declared to be deemed as an University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
  • Five per cent (5%) Relaxation in minimum marks for participants from SC/ST/PWD categories.
  • *Internships and Trainee Experiences will not be considered as full-time work experience.

How the Courses will be delivered:

Courses will be delivered through online mode using an appropriate technology Synchronized platform. Lectures will be delivered through broadband-based technology involving two-way audio and video communication. Sessions will be held from 0900 to 1715 hours on Saturdays and Sundays, with a buffer provision of One Session (2000 to 2115 hours on Wednesdays).  Participants can attend sessions directly from their desktop/laptop (Direct-2-Device). Participants will be provided digital reading materials, etc., for each course.  They may also interact with the concerned faculty through e-mails/ chat mode.

The Academic Orientation (Online) will be on 29-Mar-2025, and the academic sessions will start from April 2025.

The standard timing of the sessions (IST) will be as follows:

  • 8-9 hours of live lectures per week
  • Online lecture timing 0900 hours to 1715 hours on Saturdays and Sundays, with buffer provision of One Session (2000 to 2115 hours on Wednesdays)
  • 03 on-campus modules will be planned for the beginning of the programme (six days), the middle of the programme (four days), and the end of the programme (six days).
  • The time gap between two consecutive sessions is to give the participants a break. On some days, the classes may extend beyond the mentioned time. In addition to attending interactive sessions, participants must undertake online quizzes, assignments, and examinations.

Programme Activity Timelines


Particulars Round-1 Round-2 Round-3
Admission Launch Date 15-Oct-24 3-Dec-24 7-Jan-25
Last Date of Submitting Applications 2-Dec-24 6-Jan-25 10-Feb-25
Aptitude Test + Interview 8-Dec-24 12-Jan-25 16-Feb-25
Result Declaration 13-Dec-24 17-Jan-25 21-Feb-25
Academic Orientation (Online) 29-Mar-25
1st Campus Visit April 21-26, 2025
Online Classes 3-May-25


 Total Fees and Payment Schedule*


Particulars Amount INR
1st Instalment (at the time of admission) 2,50,000/-
2nd Instalment ( Before start of 1st Trimester) 2,50,000/-
3rd Instalment ( Before start of 2nd Trimester) 2,50,000/-
4th Instalment ( Before start of 3rd Trimester) 2,50,000/-
5th  Instalment ( Before start of 4th Trimester) 2,00,000/-
6th Instalment ( Before start of 5th  Trimester) 2,00,000/-
Total Fee 14,00,000/-
Payment follow-up and timely payment from the participants are to be ensured by the BCCL, periodically as per the Deadline Schedule.

 *The Programme fee will be collected from the participants before the commencement of each term, and actual due dates will be intimated during the programme according to the programme schedule.

*The programme fee doesn’t include the logistics expenses to attend the campus visits during the programme.

 Student Privileges

  1. Regular Alumni Status will be granted.
  2. Regular Alumni Status will also apply to future degree programmes launched by the Executive Education Office.

IIM Indore reserves the right to modify the above conditions at its discretion, at any time without notice.

Apply Now:

For more details contact:

Tel.: 0731-2439647

Please note that IIM Indore reserves the right to change the programme design, format, number of sessions, certificate format, terms in the programme or can incorporate any such change deemed necessary by the institute without prior intimation.