Sharma, V., (2024). When and Why Social Dominance Orientation leads to Workplace Vigilantism: A Social Dominance Perspective. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2023-24/OB&HRM
Thakurata, I.,Thomas, S., (2023). Mass balance diagrams in Macroeconomics. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/03/2022-23/ECO.
Bhatia, Y.D.R., (2023). On reducing the time complexity of LU Factorisation and other applications. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2023-24/IPM 2022-27 Batch
Chaudhuri, D. D., Bhattacharya, J., Sengupta, T. (2022). Telecom Policy Causing Premature Death of a Promising Telecom Company: A Case Study. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2022-23/ECO.
Palsule-Desai, O. D., Vaze, S. V., Li, G., Gavirneni, S. (2022). Self-selecting No-Pay Service Delivery Strategies: A Rising Tide that Lifts All Boats?. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2022-23/OM&QT.
Chaudhuri, D. D., Sethia, D. (2022). The Grand Federal Bargain for Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/02/2022-23/ECO.
Chaudhuri, D. D., Bhattacharya, J., Sengupta, T. (2022). Network Utilization and Pricing: Evidence from India’s Telecommunications Sector. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/02/2021-22/ECO.
Chaudhuri, D. D., Dafria, M. (2022). The Impact of Goods and Services Tax on Small Businesses in India. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2021-22/ECO.
Mukhoti, S. K., Ghosh, S. (2022). Non-Parametric Generalised Newsvendor Model. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/02/2021-22/OM&QT.
Palsule-Desai, O. D., Seshadri, S. (2021). Reaching Urban and Semi-Urban Markets Using Superior Products: Dilemma of Small Firms from Rural Markets. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2021-22/OM&QT.
Mukhoti, S. K., Banerjee, A. (2021). Vendors’ View of Demand: A Platykurtic Class of Distributions. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/02/2020-21/OM&QT.
Palsule-Desai, O. D., Vaze, S. V., Li, G., Gavirneni, S. (2020). Service Delivery Strategies for Alleviating Pandemic Suffering while Maintaining Profitability. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2020-21/OM&QT.
Mukhoti, S. K., Baraiya, R. (2019). Generalization of the Newsvendor Problem with gamma demand distribution by Asymmetric Losses. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/03/2019 20/OM&QT.
Chandra, S., Vatsa, A. K., Sarkhel, M. (2020). Capacitated Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Effluent Treatment in an Industrial Cluster. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/02/2019-20/OM&QT.
Shankar, S. B. (2020). Understanding Role of Social Enterprises in Women Empowerment. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2019-20/MM.
Bandyopadhyay, S., Nilakantan, R. (2019). Manufacturing Slowdown in India: New Evidence from a Double Deflation Approach. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2018-19/ECO.
Mukhoti, S. K., Sahare, M. (2019). Newsvendor Problem with Unknown Demand Distribution and Non-Linear Underage and Overage Cost. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/03/2018-19/OM&QT.
Dhamija, G., McDonough, I. K, Roychowdhury, P. (2019). Measuring the Dynamics of the Achievement Gap Between Public and Private School Students During Early Life in India. IIM Indore Working Paper, WP/01/2019-20/ECO
Newsvendor Problem with Unknown Demand Distribution and Non-Linear Underage and Overage Cost. WP/03/2018-19/OM&QT
Manufacturing Slowdown in India: New Evidence from a Double Deflation Approach. WP/01/2018-19/ECO
The Politics of Historical Personalities: Textual Analysis of Speeches by the Indian Prime Minister. WP/02/2018-19/HSS
Role of social connectivity and job engagement in positive change: Evidence from the Middle East. WP/01/2018-19/HSS
On Linnik distribution, linnik levy process and generalized linnik levy process/ WP/01/2018-19/OM&QT
Daddy Not Cool Portfolio choice, human-capital investments & consumption. WP/01/2017-18/ECO
Supply networks of competing products. WP/01/2017-18/OM&QT
Entrepreneurial Social Capital And Choice Of Loan Use In Micro-Enterprises. WP/02/2017-18/ECO
Back and forth tin time? Exploring the effect of direction of time. WP/01/2018-19/MM
Social Identity & Scene Perception. WP/01/2017-18/HSS
“Real” Simulation through Fantasy? An Exploration in Pedagogy. WP/01/2017-18/SM
Stochastic Volatility Models with Common Jumps and Instantaneous Leverage Effect. WP/02/2017-18/OM&QT
A Mafia Offer for supply Chain of Deteriorating Items. WP/03/2017-18/OM&QT
Apocalyptic Communications : Reconfiguring Literacies of power in the Book of Eli and the Matrix. WP/02/2017-18/Comm
Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Intentions. WP/02/2017-18/SM
A 360 degree view of Class Participation. WP/02/2017-18/SM.
Thakurta, I. (2017). A Cost Benefit Analysis of Education Policies. IIM Working Paper, WP/07/016/ECO.
Sethia, D. (2017). Fiscal Federalism and Redistributive Politics in India. IIM Working Paper, WP/06/016/ECO.
Thakurta, I. and D’Souza, E. (2016). Life-Cycle Portfolio Choice in an Intergenerational Set-up. IIM Working Paper, WP/05/016/ECO.
Thakurta, I. and D’Souza, E. (2016). Is Human-Capital Acquisition Optimizing Behaviour? A Life-cycle Analysis. IIM Working Paper, WP/04/016/ECO.
Ramanathan, J., and Swain, B. (2016). Are Marketers Egoists? A Typological Explication. IIM Indore Working Paper,